As promised, here are this weeks water tests:
Temp. 77.4
Salinity 33
Ph. 8.25
Alk. 9.3
Ca. 425
Mg. 1380
A couple of observations......................... I think I can cut back on my alk. supplements. I have been dosing 1 and 1/3 cups a day of a baking soda mix, I am gonna look at this same add, every other day tho, and test again next Sunday when I do my water change.
I have not added anything for calcium in 2 months. this could mean that 1. Reef crystals is doin alot better with the concentration of calcium, or 2. my brand new Salifert test kit is all f****** up and I am so out of whack that Christ couldn't fix it???
I have not added anything for Magnesium either.......................... see the above two reasons.
Let's see, has anything else happened this turkey day weekend.......................................... well hell yes, you all think I been sitting on my a** just watching???? I changed out the 4 halides in the 3' hoods on Friday, and cut back the duration an hour on each end. So far so good, I will get them back to their original times next weekend. I have 1 more halide on order from Kevin for the 4' hood, I should get that sometime after the 3rd of December, and I will do the same for that hood.
I vacuumed the vents on the hood yesterday, this is something that should be done alot more often than every 2 years

, but Google calender is a very good tool and will remind me about next May to do that again.
I want to get down and take some top down pics for you all, those are always fun, and you get the true color of the coral that way, may between the football games is a good time to head down and take some pics.
Hope you all have a great day

One more thing, I am gonna change out all the actinic VHO bulbs at the same time I change the halides in the 4' hood, the actinics are getting kinda old, ( don't ask please), and I am starting to feel bad about it
