My 300 Gallon sps tank

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OK, I got a question for you all. I need to change the lites on my fuge, should I alter the photo period just like you do on the display tank? I have living things in the fuge, a couple of clowns and a couple of gobies, plus the macro of course. What do you all think?

Well, no matter what you guys said or think, (????????????????????????????) I changed the refugium lites anyways, and cut the photo period 1 hour on each end, I'll let you know what transpires.
nice pics Charlie. you always seem to capture the true color. your LPS are looking nice. how is the rest doing?
So far so good Rob, it is kinda thinned out which is probably a good thing.

Gotta run something by ya. Do you think I could add sand to like the center portion and block it with acrylic on either side of the overflows???

I think Joanne is gonna get me a frag of my hyacinthus back, I am kinda excited about that. It will be a trip to Spokane, but that is no biggie.
when i added sand to the center of mine, it migrated around a little but the gravel on either side mostly held it in place. i bet if you used some glass or acrylic you could hold most of it in place. are you wanting it to give someone a place to hide? you know the fish will move it around a little and your flow may just blow it all over the place....... now that i think about it, your flow may be a real problem unless you put sand everywhere.... you remember how it use to move and pile up in different places.
I think I can adjust the flow around that center portion, and if I used either glass or acrylic to block it in, I might get away with it. And yeah, I was thinking about a couple of wrasses, or maybe just one healthy one. I would just have to see what happened in the first couple of days after I put it in. I know for sure it would blow around a bit:faint2:
As promised, here are this weeks water tests:
Temp. 77.4
Salinity 33
Ph. 8.25
Alk. 9.3
Ca. 425
Mg. 1380

A couple of observations......................... I think I can cut back on my alk. supplements. I have been dosing 1 and 1/3 cups a day of a baking soda mix, I am gonna look at this same add, every other day tho, and test again next Sunday when I do my water change.
I have not added anything for calcium in 2 months. this could mean that 1. Reef crystals is doin alot better with the concentration of calcium, or 2. my brand new Salifert test kit is all f****** up and I am so out of whack that Christ couldn't fix it???
I have not added anything for Magnesium either.......................... see the above two reasons.
Let's see, has anything else happened this turkey day weekend.......................................... well hell yes, you all think I been sitting on my a** just watching???? I changed out the 4 halides in the 3' hoods on Friday, and cut back the duration an hour on each end. So far so good, I will get them back to their original times next weekend. I have 1 more halide on order from Kevin for the 4' hood, I should get that sometime after the 3rd of December, and I will do the same for that hood.
I vacuumed the vents on the hood yesterday, this is something that should be done alot more often than every 2 years:eek::eek:, but Google calender is a very good tool and will remind me about next May to do that again.
I want to get down and take some top down pics for you all, those are always fun, and you get the true color of the coral that way, may between the football games is a good time to head down and take some pics.
Hope you all have a great day :):)

One more thing, I am gonna change out all the actinic VHO bulbs at the same time I change the halides in the 4' hood, the actinics are getting kinda old, ( don't ask please), and I am starting to feel bad about it ;).
Reef Crystals did reformulate their mix awhile ago, here are the general consensus on the new parameters

Calcium - 490
Alk - 13
Mag - 1440

The box that I got is the old mix. Which is more like 440 calcium.
Wow, no wonder my use of supplements, (Ca & Mg) have gone down. That is good to know. The alk is the one that everybody has trouble with, depending on what they are growin, a heavy concentration of sps will make you tear things apart trying to keep it stable, as you can see.
Wow, no wonder my use of supplements, (Ca & Mg) have gone down. That is good to know. The alk is the one that everybody has trouble with, depending on what they are growin, a heavy concentration of sps will make you tear things apart trying to keep it stable, as you can see.

Not to mention as your colonies grow, so does your alk and calcium needs. So once you do get it will soon change. I can't wait for my sps tank :D
I haven't heard from her this past week. I kind of isolated myself from human contact. I have been having a hard time lately and I didn't want to bum anyone else out. Haha. I will message her to apologize. I would love to go to the White House with you guys. I have never been there. What do they serve??? =D Is Kevin going?
I haven't heard from her this past week. I kind of isolated myself from human contact. I have been having a hard time lately and I didn't want to bum anyone else out. Haha. I will message her to apologize. I would love to go to the White House with you guys. I have never been there. What do they serve??? =D Is Kevin going?

Greek Food..............................good Greek food :):). And yes, I think Kevin and Frankie are gonna show, I talked to him yesterday and let him know about it.

Hope things are settling out for you.