My New Metal Halides

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Krish I would try exactly what you have there. You well be blowing across the water causing accellerated evaporation which should help remove heat from the water as well as what you said by blowing cool room air through the lites. You may want to tilt the fans up a little. The way I was talking about before is to have 2 fans blowing across the reflector on each side instead of in the middle, but try what you have and see how it works, leave the front open for now.
Krish I would try exactly what you have there. You well be blowing across the water causing accellerated evaporation which should help remove heat from the water as well as what you said by blowing cool room air through the lites. You may want to tilt the fans up a little. The way I was talking about before is to have 2 fans blowing across the reflector on each side instead of in the middle, but try what you have and see how it works, leave the front open for now.

K...Thanks. Do you mean leave the front open like leave the lid up? If so, I will have to shut off those 3 fans because my canopy is set up to open all the way over which means the fans will be pushing against the top. If that is what you mean, then how will that help me in the future because I can't leave the canopy open when the lights are on. You'd go blind!:p
Oh yeah, starting temperature just before lights come on which is now is 81.6F. We'll see where it ends up tonight at 9:00 when they go off:)
I feel the back pain, man been having that for almost 20 years!
If you leave the front open that would work fine but not look so good.
When I had mine I did leave it open during the day unless I was home.
Yeh I forgot about your lites shining out, I really don't know what to say with the way you are set up but I do agree with your current way being better then trying to suck the air across the lites. These fans don't have enough umph to suck air across those reflectors. If you blow them in you well be creating a source of cool air in and 3 fans taking it air out creating a turn over of the air under the canopy. The main drawback is going to be how long the 3 fans blowing out are going to last if this proves to work.
If that is true John then he could mount them like he originally had but just not blowing on the lamp, just underneath the lamps.
You could also prop the front open a few inches with a stick to see if that helps, but maybe try your way now first, and remember it takes several days for things to cool off once heated so you have to gave things a chance to cool down first, before changing ndirections.
Yeah, we'll see how it goes. The temperature was actually 80.7F when the lights kicked on. I have the timer set to 2:00pm to come on and I guess my watch was a little fast, but it had dropped a bit before the timer actually kicked on. Apparently my wife had lowered the thermostat this morning more than we usually keep it on her way out to work. Not sure if that was her way of saying, "Look, you see the fans work!" or what:lol: But I put it back to where it is usually so I can get a more accurate reading to go by. I'll see what it is at by 9:00 and then go from there.

Thanks again guys:)
You know another thing I did which helped me lots was run a reverse lighting period. My lights came on around 5pm so when I got home I'd normally lower the central a/c unit anyways,(actually I have a programmable thermostat). This made the tank run cooler because I like to freeze at night, even though the wife likes 85 plus:D
You know another thing I did which helped me lots was run a reverse lighting period. My lights came on around 5pm so when I got home I'd normally lower the central a/c unit anyways,(actually I have a programmable thermostat). This made the tank run cooler because I like to freeze at night, even though the wife likes 85 plus

Yeah, when I get home I lower mine as well, but it is usually the upstairs central. We have 2 seperate centrail air units in our place, one up and one down. The downstairs one we usually keep pretty much the same unless it get's real hot out. I set my photo period to come on at 2:00 isntead of 5 or later because on the weekend, I like to look at my tank when I'm home. If I set it to come on at 5 then my day will be gone without any lights and I don't want them on all day. So far the temp hasn't gone back up to 82 so we'll see. It's still early and when I came home from work yeterday it wasn't so bad, but later on that night it shot up just before the lights went out. I tell you...Cactus and other desert plants are the way to go. The cool stuff is meant for Alaska!:lol: K...going to play with my camera gain and maybe pull another muscle by just pressing the botton to shoot um:p
Dang it Krish, STARTING TEMP is 81.6. That is the problem.
I cant tell you what to do. There is something else wrong. The stinking thing was 86 BEFORE you put the halides on. The house is 72. What in the heck is adding 14F above ambient?
Look we have almost identical systems.
I have
Sedra 5000 running the skimmer
Quiet one 6000 running the return.
Hagen 40 running the phos reactor
Two Tunzes 6100s running the flow.
A clip light with Lukes grow bulb on it
I use two clip fans blowing on the water surface to cool the tank.
Its 71 in my house.
My tank was 79.7 when I got up this morning. Lights came on at 7am. Its almost 3pm now (7.5 hours later)
The tank temp is now 79.9 It will be 80.1-80.3 when the lights go out tonight at around 10 pm. ( I know thats a stupid long photo period. I like it. So blahhhhh.) LOL
Dude look think about it. If your room is 72. And your tank is 81.6 with the lights off. How much energy does it take to heat 75 gallons of water 10 degrees. Its a stupid huge amount. If it was your lights the temp would be closer to room at night. That shouldnt be it. Again I cant tell you what to do, I do seriously recommend backing up. Stop moveing your fans around. Figure out where the 10-14 degrees is coming from WITHOUT the MH running.
I dont know any nicer way to put it. It seems to me your killing yourself, trying all kinds of different ways to do the EXACT same thing. Move hot air out, move cool air in. The easiest way to do that is take advantage of how air naturally works.
I hope I am not coming across as mean or anything. Its not to toss you under the bus or anything. I dont want you do be all pissed off, aggravated, and drill 30 stinking holes in your canopy.
I will shut up now. I believe you should do what you think is right. Damn it stop and think. Your sharp as a tack. You know your system better than any other human on the planet. Relax, think about it, and let your brain go to work.
Eeegads! I can't believe we are on page 20 and still trying to cool this tank. All I can say is Krish is in the Bahamas, so it might be more difficult to cool a tank there. When it is the hot hot humid summer here, my tank has a more difficult time cooling off (fans run alot more, needed a small chiller at the end of summer to tide me over), than it does compared to late spring/early summer (I only need fans)...even with my central air on 76F. My concern is when Krish hits the summer months...lowering his central A/C more and more to help cool the tank. You'd be better off with a chiller, and keeping your home thermostat where you normally do....saving you and your wife alot of aggravation (my 2¢). I keep forgetting that your tank was pretty warm to start with, so the fans have done some good. Also, I wanted to comment that the left side of your sump appears to be closed off?

Also, I don't know if you've seen this thread?? Cheapskate Chilling Techniques.
You'd be better off with a chiller, and keeping your home thermostat where you normally do....saving you and your wife alot of aggravation (my 2¢). I keep forgetting that your tank was pretty warm to start with, so the fans have done some good. Also, I wanted to comment that the left side of your sump appears to be closed off?

that's what i say :p
OK! So Steve...Thanks for the long post:p You made me go down stairs and take a good look at my thermostat!:mad: You know how you made a paddle the other day? Anyway to make a bat??? The central air is set to keep the room at 75F. The thermostat has a reading that shows the room's temperature which IMO should be the same thing as what the freaking air is set to and the room is, What class???? 81F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So should I rip the thermostat off the wall or what? Am I right? Shouldn't the temperature of the room be the same as the temperature the thermostat is set to? If so, I need to get a new thermostat and get it right!

Thanks for the link Nikki...I've never seen that before. Pretty cool. If this thermostat is the problem then hopefully that means problem solved because the temp of the tank is staying at the same temperature it would appear of the room!
I love that quote Gabbs....My wife told me to order the thing this morning and she probably thinks I did, but I haven't just yet;)
Those thermometers are not accurate. Take your digital probe out of your tank, and let it dry out. Then measure the room temp with it.
Get a digital thermostat as well. Its worth it and not very expensive. Just lick all the wire in there one good time. LOL J/King.
Those thermometers are not accurate. Take your digital probe out of your tank, and let it dry out. Then measure the room temp with it

so then which ones are accurate?? i have the sticker one :p .