My New Metal Halides

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Crap! If you continue eating all that Kentucky and crap like you do now, you will be pedaling for the rest of your life

look who's talking .... LMBO:lol: !!!
besides don't remind me KFC right now, that was very sad and i was craving it to much :( .
krish75 said:
Well since you won't be getting your drivers licence anytime soon and are an expert on the bicycle with training wheels, I'll hook it all up and you can move here and pedal all day:p

whoaa dood your badddd,:eek: hey think I could get spongebob to do some pedaling here to cool off my tank if I hooke it up to a fan?:?:

No Cerealy?

whoaa dood your badddd, hey think I could get spongebob to do some pedaling here to cool off my tank if I hooke it up to a fan?

No Cerealy?

LOL...Yeah man! We can share her :rolleyes: That doesn't sound good huh?:lol:
whoaa dood your badddd, hey think I could get spongebob to do some pedaling here to cool off my tank if I hooke it up to a fan?

No Cerealy?

hmm ohh yeah sure why not, would you like me to bring you some ice cream too? :lol: .

[QUOTELOL...Yeah man! We can share her That doesn't sound good huh?

thanks for letting me know :lol:... now boys you better get your refrigerators ready :D :lol:
Krish only you can decide what road you want to go down, you don't have to have SPS, there are many many BEAUTIFUL!!! soft coral tanks with hard corals like Montipora that can live under PC lighting, plus not to mention all the LPS like hammers and frog spawn and bubbles that do great under PC lighting, so don't be bummed out. There is alot more to this hobby then just SPS. Personally I like the fish most of all, that is what I have kept most of the time along with a few soft and lps. It is really entertaining to see alot of movement in the tank fron the soft corals and fish. With the back removed off the stand and a simplier fan set up and some PC or T5 lighting you can get pretty dramatic lighting in a 75. I would be lying if I said a chiller well be the end of spending, there are always issues that arise that need dealing with, equipment failures or upgrades, or new techniques that require new diff equip. Plus it can get quite time demanding as you have found out. All of this is true because this is one hobby where things don't stay the same for long, ie- tank conditions, knowledge, advancements, so on and so on. It takes alot of committment, but is very rewarding. Well I well get off my soapbox and luck in what you decide, personally living where you do I think I would settle on cooler lighting and what that well support and step out in your back yard to see the SPS's.
Krish only you can decide what road you want to go down, you don't have to have SPS, there are many many BEAUTIFUL!!! soft coral tanks with hard corals like Montipora that can live under PC lighting, plus not to mention all the LPS like hammers and frog spawn and bubbles that do great under PC lighting, so don't be bummed out. There is alot more to this hobby then just SPS. Personally I like the fish most of all, that is what I have kept most of the time along with a few soft and lps. It is really entertaining to see alot of movement in the tank fron the soft corals and fish. With the back removed off the stand and a simplier fan set up and some PC or T5 lighting you can get pretty dramatic lighting in a 75. I would be lying if I said a chiller well be the end of spending, there are always issues that arise that need dealing with, equipment failures or upgrades, or new techniques that require new diff equip. Plus it can get quite time demanding as you have found out. All of this is true because this is one hobby where things don't stay the same for long, ie- tank conditions, knowledge, advancements, so on and so on. It takes alot of committment, but is very rewarding. Well I well get off my soapbox and luck in what you decide, personally living where you do I think I would settle on cooler lighting and what that well support and step out in your back yard to see the SPS's.

Thanks...I will see how it goes. Putting back on the pc's may not make much of a difference because the tank was still 86F with them on. Granted, I have changed a lot since (so they may run a lot cooler than the halides) but after seeing the difference the tank looks with that lighting with that nice "shimmer" I don't think I'd want to go back to anything else. SPS aren't manditory for me, but I don't really want to be limited on what I can keep. My tank is better than it has ever been before with every parameter sitting stable right on the mark! Just the heat is my issue...So do I give up after coming this far, or take that last step and be done with it...I guess I'll have to decide on that. I'll keep you guys updated on what I will do and appreciate again all the help and concern from everyone:)

BTW, it seems like the fans worked better by todays test pushing air from the sides. It never went past 82.7F like that, but with the new arrangement, it went to 84.6F. Maybe the thermostat is getting worse by the day:rolleyes:
NO!!! no pc's or T5s for this boy !!
Sorry fisher dood but i think his wife would send him to the beach if he changes to T5s :p .
NO!!! no pc's or T5s for this boy !!
Sorry fisher dood but i think his wife would send him to the beach if he changes to T5s .

ROFL! That's for sure...And without any goggles or swimming gear!:p
Fine by me, you'd better find a way to cool that tank then, 84-86 is even stressful for the fish in a enclosed enviorment.

Yeah...The whole setup will be in the equipment for free forum soon so no worries.:) The fish are doing great. They've been in this temp it would appear for a few weeks now without any problems. Not where I want the temp, but will decide on something soon...:)

true... it's already plenty with Krish being stress... we don't want the fishes too

Stress is not having your drivers licence:p:lol:
dood ok now that's mean .... it's not my fault the car doesn't drive straight

LOL...That's cause you are use to that bicycle with one training wheel always pulling hard to the left:lol:

Hot tank, hijacked thread...What next? Man...If you don't laugh sometimes, you will only cry!:p
LOL...That's cause you are use to that bicycle with one training wheel always pulling hard to the left

Hot tank, hijacked thread...What next? Man...If you don't laugh sometimes, you will only cry!

hmm naww it's the car's fault :p .
well i tell you what's next ...... ice cubes in your tank :lol: fine ..... a chiller :D :p .
hmm naww it's the car's fault .
well i tell you what's next ...... ice cubes in your tank fine ..... a chiller .

LOL...On a serious note, I will make up my mind what it's going to be very soon...Hopefully tomorrow. It's time to put my mind and things to rest now. I've pretty much exhausted all ideas and know what is basically only left to be done. So we'll see :)

Thanks again for the help everyone and also Gabbs for the laughs:p
I made this diagram to hopefully help you. I think you are putting too much emphasis on the ambient temp. You need to evaporate max water possible. You can look at every bit of water that gets evaporated like haveing a few watts of heat sucked out of the tank. Now, if you ballence the amount of energy getting sucked out of the tank through energy of vaporization with the amount of energy getting added, then you can hold a sold temp because things are at a ballence.

So, whats a huge factor in evap? Humidity. If the Bahamas regularly has 99-100% humidity, than fan cooling simply isnt going to be effective unless it happens to be one of the dryer days outside, reguardless of its the hottest day of the year or not.

So, if you plan to be cooling through evap methods (like a fan setup is designed for) you will find that haveing a relitive humidity guage inside your house would be much more helpful than a thermometer.

spongebob lover said:
hmm naww it's the car's fault :p .
well i tell you what's next ...... ice cubes in your tank :lol: fine ..... a chiller :D :p .

I went to bed too early I see!:rolleyes:

Krish you still didn't add your supplemental lighting did you? Were you ever going to? I think you need to give it some time & let your tank settle down, I bet it will stabilize after all of the changes you made. Look at it this way, even if you did end up getting a chiller, your supplemental fans will still reduce the amount of chill time required anyways, it may just bump on & off a few times a day so it it good to get the most out of your fans. You know 85 degrees never killed my corals, it happened at times to get that high but I was able to maintain a swing from 80 to 82 every day, algae loved it:D One thing I'd try & it requires no more holes if your tank today hasn't dropped in Temp. try reversing the two fans overnight for me.

I still like the bicycle & Ice-cream thing, I think I can make it work!:lol:
Thanks for the info and drawing Luke! So if I am gathering things correctly, you are saying to let fans blow on the water in these problem spots you have marked out to evaporate water from these same spots that are the hottest?

I went to bed too early I see!

Krish you still didn't add your supplemental lighting did you? Were you ever going to? I think you need to give it some time & let your tank settle down, I bet it will stabilize after all of the changes you made. Look at it this way, even if you did end up getting a chiller, your supplemental fans will still reduce the amount of chill time required anyways, it may just bump on & off a few times a day so it it good to get the most out of your fans. You know 85 degrees never killed my corals, it happened at times to get that high but I was able to maintain a swing from 80 to 82 every day, algae loved it One thing I'd try & it requires no more holes if your tank today hasn't dropped in Temp. try reversing the two fans overnight for me.

I still like the bicycle & Ice-cream thing, I think I can make it work!

Thanks Scooter. I went to bed with a temp of 84.6F didn't touch a thing and the temp was 81.1F this morning! Thermostat still the same. I'll try flipping the back fans today before the lights come on. Not sure how effective these fans will be that way because I don't consider them to suck hard at all, but I'll try it. If I see the temp heading past 85F I'll just have to open the lid and turn down the ac. I'll keep you guys posted:)