My New Metal Halides

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so then which ones are accurate?? i have the sticker one .

I don't think he means for the tank Gabbs, but for the air condition...:)

So, I took out the probe, dried it off and the temp of the room was 80.5. So I stuck my hand in the canopy from the back where it is open and held it up in the air in there and it read 88.6F and before I pulled the probe out of the tank, it was sitting at 82F. Can the probe sitting like 4 inches away from one of my Tunzes read higher than other places in the tank?:oops: If so, how low should the probe sit and where exactly:p
Digital therm are pretty accurate to me. The Liquid crystal stick on one are a waste of time in my opinion.
I think Krish was talking about his wall thermostat with the thermometer that tells you the temp.
I have two clocks with thermometers in them and they agree with my thermostat. The old one was way off.
Dont worry about that to much. I am much more inclined to believe a difference of 1.5 degrees from ambient temp to tank temp. If thats the case your fans are doing their job just fine. The room just needs to be cooler. Sooooooooo.... How do you do that? LOL
Dont worry about that to much. I am much more inclined to believe a difference of 1.5 degrees from ambient temp to tank temp. If thats the case your fans are doing their job just fine. The room just needs to be cooler. Sooooooooo.... How do you do that? LOL

Buy a bigger central air??(LOL) I can turn down the thermostat some, but by summer time, I'll be screwed because the thing will have to be set in the 60's for sure and I know my wife will cuss...
Previously by Nikki
Also, I wanted to comment that the left side of your sump appears to be closed off?

Sorry I missed this...The left side is open. Well put it like this, you can't see in through the sides or the front of the stand, but the whole back is completely off:)
Pin-point uses several temp. probes to identify varying temps. throughout the tank. Man if I kept the house 75 all the time my wife would leave me lol! I'm lucky to wait until she's in bed covered ten layers before the thermostat bumps down to 73 for the night, she usually gripes in the morning though, needless to say digital programmable thermostat is well worth the investment, @ 81 in the room that is part of the problem, it will take 24 hours to settle things down a bit & cool down.
Yeah...I may drop it a tad. I'll have to decide. Like Nikki said, it may be worth it to use a chiller rather than burn the extra electricity on an ac which I will have to keep lowering as the summer months approach and it gets hotter and hotter here. I mean it gets really hot! I shed atleast 3 layers of skin during the summer from just going out in the boat on weekends and when I say I peel...My scalp even peels!:shock: I will show you guys pictures of me after 1 day in the sun come summer time! I seem to know where I stand now with things so it will all be up to how I want to go about doing it. I'll make up my mind pretty soon:)

Thanks again and I'll keep you guys posted:)
krish75 said:
Yeah...I may drop it a tad. I'll have to decide. Like Nikki said, it may be worth it to use a chiller rather than burn the extra electricity on an ac which I will have to keep lowering as the summer months approach and it gets hotter and hotter here. I mean it gets really hot! I shed atleast 3 layers of skin during the summer from just going out in the boat on weekends and when I say I peel...My scalp even peels!:shock: I will show you guys pictures of me after 1 day in the sun come summer time! I seem to know where I stand now with things so it will all be up to how I want to go about doing it. I'll make up my mind pretty soon:)

Thanks again and I'll keep you guys posted:)
For that amount of temp drop I would use a micro chiller , 10 degree drop is all you need. and thats maximum. But I would look into diy unit before spending the money on something thats run 600 for 300 unit. Your duty will kill any cheap solution. So why not DIY one.
For that amount of temp drop I would use a micro chiller , 10 degree drop is all you need. and thats maximum. But I would look into diy unit before spending the money on something thats run 600 for 300 unit. Your duty will kill any cheap solution. So why not DIY one.

Yeah...I may have to look into that link you and Bill posted and see what I think. A chiller or something similar seems like the best option at this point. Thanks again and I'll see what I come up with:)
Krish I don't understand, the house you live in is'nt it insulated. If I had to live in a house at 81 deg. I would kill someone. We lived in apts inbetween boats a couple times and were in friends houses throughout our 10 yrs in Ft. Laud. and always the places were no warmer then 75 and some were kept around 72 mainly the apts we rented and i'm sure some of our friends homes too. I have been to the Bahamas alot and I know there is some old construction that is not all that insulated, plus the Bahamians just open the windows and let the carabean breeze blow through, with a ceiling fan running. If you have a room temp of 81 your in trouble. If I let my room temp get over 76 max. my tank temp well start climbing and if it gets 78 it really starts climbing. If you are not able to cool that house down to atleast 75 deg. you are wasting your time with fans alone. If you look at my canopy it is an open one on top with an aluminum channel bar running from end to end that slides fore and aft on runners inside each end and the pendents are mounted to the channel. My canopy is wide open on the top. It is also open on the ends. I didn't realize your room temp was that high, I thought you had it at 75, so you well have to bite the bullet and go the chiller route, no choice. Either that or go back to PC's and FOWLR and some softies even then you have to keep your house cooler then 81, atleast down around 78.

Steve you probably haven't read all the threads lately, there are so many new ones each day, but he had his tank temp down after removing the stand back, so that is not an issue anymore, it is MH's now.
fishermann said:
Krish I don't understand, the house you live in is'nt it insulated. If I had to live in a house at 81 deg. I would kill someone. We lived in apts inbetween boats a couple times and were in friends houses throughout our 10 yrs in Ft. Laud. and always the places were no warmer then 75 and some were kept around 72 mainly the apts we rented and i'm sure some of our friends homes too. I have been to the Bahamas alot and I know there is some old construction that is not all that insulated, plus the Bahamians just open the windows and let the carabean breeze blow through, with a ceiling fan running. If you have a room temp of 81 your in trouble. If I let my room temp get over 76 max. my tank temp well start climbing and if it gets 78 it really starts climbing. If you are not able to cool that house down to atleast 75 deg. you are wasting your time with fans alone. If you look at my canopy it is an open one on top with an aluminum channel bar running from end to end that slides fore and aft on runners inside each end and the pendents are mounted to the channel. My canopy is wide open on the top. It is also open on the ends. I didn't realize your room temp was that high, I thought you had it at 75, so you well have to bite the bullet and go the chiller route, no choice. Either that or go back to PC's and FOWLR and some softies even then you have to keep your house cooler then 81, atleast down around 78.

Steve you probably haven't read all the threads lately, there are so many new ones each day, but he had his tank temp down after removing the stand back, so that is not an issue anymore, it is MH's now.

I agree I had temp issues when I first set my tank up due to my room temp.being higher than I thought (crappy bimetal thermostats). Now I keep it at roughly 75ish and can run my halides for 12 hours and the temp gets to about 81.5. Yes I know its not hot out BUT if the room temp stays consistant why cant the tank stay consistant as well regardless of outside temp?? If its 105 degrees outside I can assure you my apartment will not be that it will be somewhere around 75ish. Yes the a/c will run more when its 105 but its doing its job...I think someone already said it Krish GET a digital thermostat for your central air, you will be amazed at how much a difference it will make. The room temp will be MUCH more stable with a digital thermostat. let alone more accurate.
Dude your getting close.
Think about it. If the thermostat is set at 72 but its 81 in the house. One of two things has happened.
One The ac unit is unable to get the temp down. Not likely or you would be complaining that it is running constantly. I am sure its not.
Two Most likely the thermostat is not set right. I.E. you set for 72 but the reality is it is shutting the unit off before it reaches 79, due to one or two things. Its bad, or it is getting colder in the area of the thermostat than the living room where your tank is.
Does that make any sense?
One little thing here that I belive was missed. Your goal is not to remove the warm air on top of the tank. That is a non-factor in compairison to the heat being put into the water from absorbed light onto the rocks and bottom of the tank from the MH, and pumps etc. In fact, possibily going to a white starboard bottom over black could fix the problem alone.

The way the fan cools a tank is through bringing in air with less than 100% humidity, and evaporateing water with it. I gave you the info to calculate how much water you need to be evaporateing each day to find an equilibrium for your temp.

Outside air is one of those, ehhh, yeah, its sorta important things. Humidity in the outside air is one of those REALLY REALLY huge factors. Venting hot air from the top is not hurting anything, but your goal if you want to drop temperature is to get air with the ability to hold more moisture to pass over the surface of the tank.

When cooling via evaporation methods, ambient temp is a very small part of the function when compaired with humidity.

Feel free to call me if you want to go over the conceptual aspect.
John, we hardly spend anytime downstairs. The thermostat is set to 75, but I just realized today that the temp of the room was 81. I guess that is the reason why anytime I am sitting downstairs looking at my tank or watching TV, I drop the thermostat down to 68. My wife has thin skin and with the temp where it is at regularily now, she will still put a blanket over her. Same thing with driving in the car. I want the ac piped because I am hot, but everytime it starts to cool, she turn it off.

Point blank, whatever I try will not work besides a chiller or if I pump down the ac. I've hacked the hell out of my canopy, ripped apart my closed loop, added 6 fans, removed the backing off of my stand, moved around fans today and I go downstairs to lock up and see my temp sitting at a beautiful 84.6F with the lights out. I'm done messing with it! If I don't get the chiller, the pics you guys see now of my tank, will be how it will remain. I can't
pump the heck out of my ac now if my wife can't stand the cold especially since she's pregnant. So I guess I will have to decide if corals are really worth it to me and get the chiller or just enjoy what I have and when I want to see any corals, just throw on my swim trunks and go for a swim...

Thanks again everyone for all of the help. I hope you guys don't feel like it was in vain because I appreciated it all. My bad for not realizing before that my thermostat was off. The one upstairs is set to 68 and the room temp is 71 right now. Not far off but very close...
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dood dood dood !!
well i don't know what to tell you i know you don't wanna get the chiller and i know you canopy has more holes than the stinky cheese :p , so i don't know if it's not the chiller.
hmm i think may be you should get creative and make a super fan that just blows air on the canopy... hey may be you could do one attached to a bike and everytime the tank gets hot, you can just go on the bike and start pedaling for some super air ( you could ask moortim for some ideas on the bike), that way you'll do some exersice and the tank will be down in no time :D .
dood dood dood !!
well i don't know what to tell you i know you don't wanna get the chiller and i know you canopy has more holes than the stinky cheese , so i don't know if it's not the chiller.
hmm i think may be you should get creative and make a super fan that just blows air on the canopy... hey may be you could do one attached to a bike and everytime the tank gets hot, you can just go on the bike and start pedaling for some super air ( you could ask moortim for some ideas on the bike), that way you'll do some exersice and the tank will be down in no time .

Well since you won't be getting your drivers licence anytime soon and are an expert on the bicycle with training wheels, I'll hook it all up and you can move here and pedal all day:p

It's not that I don't want the chiller or don't have the money for a chiller, but eventually, all the spending on this tank has got to stop. I'm almost at $6,000 on a 75gal which doesn't have any corals in it yet! I'll hate to go and buy a chiller and then it get here and something else kicks up and I hear blah blah blah from my wife about it for telling her that this is the last thing I need again. I'm sure the chiller will work just fine, but I have to decide what I really want to do. What is another $500? That's chicken feed:p
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Well since you won't be getting your drivers licence anytime soon and are an expert on the bicycle with training wheels, I'll hook it all up and you can move here and pedal all day

hmm i'd take the job after i give birth :D that way your tank is cool and i loose weight :lol:
hmm i'd take the job after i give birth that way your tank is cool and i loose weight

Crap! If you continue eating all that Kentucky and crap like you do now, you will be pedaling for the rest of your life:lol: