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Krish you don't need high suction with these fans you have that through the hood. Flip the fans & close the hood like you normally do, let the tank set without touching anything. Can you post me one other thing real quick? Can you make a list of pumps, heaters & PH's & anything else that has a plug on it? Without the light, no heater your tank should never be hot, I may ask you to try some stupid stuff here but can't do that until we do one thing at a time.
LOL...I'm stupid so you can ask:p

Let's see... (2) Tunzes, (1) Maxijet 400 for phosban, (1) 3/4 sea-swirl, (1) ViaAqua VA-3600 for return, (1) 18w pc light I run over my sump on an alternate photo period from my tank, (1) Mag5 for my skimmer, (1) Aqualifter for my CPR:)
Holy cow - this thread! I didn't have a chance to read in depth all the posts, since my last update, but I wanted to toss out a couple of comments.

Krish - when I asked about the sump being closed off, I wasn't referring to the stand. It looked like the top left side of your actual sump was closed?

I think Luke was the one that mentioned humidity. I totally agree with this. Here, in the summer, the humidity gets brutal. Regardless if my house has been the same temp through the summer....I need more fan use, and eventually the chiller as the humidity rises in the upcoming months.

Also, krish, I would pick up a pool thermometer or one of those glass tank thermometers and mount it in your sump. I use one just as a "double check" against the pinpoint or even the aquacontroller.

Off to get the little one to school....hope my rushed thoughts make sense.
Thanks Nikki! I have another thermometer I borrowed that reads the same as my coral life digital one. I will pop that one in the sump now instead of in the tank and see what it reads. About the sump, there is a little cover that is so small, it could never cause any form of heat issue. It is there for the occasional "burp" from my prefilter that splashes water in the input chamber. It doesn't happen often, but atleast 5 times perday. That cover stays:p
Krish , why the PC light on the sump ? I didn't see any macro in there.

It's for my cycling algae trick:p I put a light with more wattage per gal over my sump on that center chamber for a longer photo period than the tank while my tank cycled. My first round with this hobby algae killed me! So, I figured by making the conditions more favorable for algae to grow there during cycling rather than in the tank, it wouldn't depress me as much because my display would be basically algae free and I can easily remove the algae out of just one spot in my sump as it grew. Now, hardly anything grows in there at all anymore. I just siphon up detritus in there now:)

So, here's the scoop! My room temp is 81F according to the thermostats reading (not the temp setting) My tank is 81.1F according to my thermometer in my tank, and if I pull the thermometer's probe out of the tank and dry it off and leave it out side the tank, it is at 80.8F tank is basically sitting where the room temp is sitting now and basically all the time the lights are off which leads me to believe that no pump is causing the tank to heat up anymore than the room temp is. So, in any event, I just lifted the lid off of my canopy and will see if the temp will go down any before the lights come on, but I doubt it. The sump light is on as well and has been on since 8:30 last night (30 mins before the tank lights go out) and will be on until 2:30 (half hour after the lights come on) So in reality, my only issue is keeping the tank cool for 7 hours while the lights are on. Either I will get a new adjustable thermostat that will lower my central air to whatever temp I need it during those hours my lights are on or I will get a small chiller that will just basically do all of it's work while the lights are on. I will just plan on keeping my tank stable at room temperature now 81F (which is my wife's preference since she has a say as well), and everything will be happy in there at that temp all corals, fish and Krish alike. I will continue to run the fans in the same fashion coming on with the lights so as to not have to work the ac or a chiller (whichever way I decide to go) any harder than it needs to because like I've said, then fans don't cost me hardly anything and if they burn up or go bad every few months, it will be nothing to replace them. So, I'm going to decide today if I will order the chiller or replace that thermostat and let my centrail air do the work during the time my lights are on...Does that make any sense?
Krish if your tank is sitting in a 81 deg. room your tank is going to stay atleast 81 deg. I would get a chiller for the tank. I live right in front of the pacific ocean in Wash on Pidilla bay and we have tremendous humidity, I run 2 dehumidifiers pretty much continually in each end of the house. I haven't seen the rise or fall of humity make much difference in the tank temp, it is the room temp that can make a big difference. Water evaporation is not the issue as much as getting the heat out from under that canopy when those MH's are on. My experience has been when the heat outside goes up the a/c comes on more often, not if the humidity changes. If your room temp is 81 your tank is going to stay 81 unless you can control it seperatly some how and that is with a chiller, lights on or lights off period, it isn't any pumps or motors it is room temp period! Bite the bullet and get a chiller and everyone in the house, you,the fish, your wife well be happy!. 85 deg. well start stning most likely some SPS corals, I just had a 150 heater stick on my 230, which I run 2, thinking I would be safer, but if you don't check the temp every now and then things still happen, this was just about 2 1/2 mos. ago and the tank got to 86.4 deg. and I lost I would say half of the SPS corals in the tank, and they were still stn'ing until about 2 weeks ago, so high temp is not a good thing. The moral of that story is to have an alarm on the tank which I do now have, but never having had a heater stick in many years of doing this I didn't have an alarm and it cost me.
Thanks for the reply John...I said from the break I thought I'd need a chiller, but agreed to try to work it out without one first...It was a great learning experience which I'm sure will help someone else someday. I will let you guys know what happens as soon as I recieve some info I waiting on:)
K...The thread can rest now. I've made up my mind and I set the fans back up the way they had worked the best and will run them as usual for now on the timer with the lights. I will just pump down the ac a bit lower for now until my chiller which I just ordered gets here next week;) I said screw it! I've come too far with this tank to let heat stop me from having corals and seeing my wife's getting what she wants with her latest "project" we just signed off on which one shot will cost more than my tank (Generator for our Townhouse installed at $7500 which will benefit the tank as well:p) I called Rob and it's being sent out this afternoon.

Here's the link to the chiller I'm getting

So, I will keep you guys updated with things and of course you know there will be pictures as soon as I get it. Thank you again everyone for all of the help (all 24 pages of it!) I appreciate all the concern you guys have shown me with trying to figure things out. You guys here really mean a lot to me and without you'll I'd still be struugling with bio-balls and hair algae! Thanks again:)
well you were just on denial, but that's it :p :D.

We COULD have saved 20 something pages for something else :lol:, but i'm sure it was worth the try :D .
I'm glad that you finally listened and that you're getting a chiller, I'm your temperature will drop with that :) .
good job dood good job :D .
Hurrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad you finally did it. From the break I thought [as I think you did] that your room was at 75 deg., not 81 !!!!!!!!!!. You can't cool a tank of water much below the temp the room its sitting in with your huminidy with just fans. The chiller would have been a no brainer if we had known the true room temp and that your wife won't let you cool it any lower while she is there, so this is one thing that shouldn't be an issue anymore.