Well I have had some serious tank depression in the last 4 months. I have had a lot of thoughts cruize thru my mind, should I give it up? should I upgrade, sell all and start over, take a break? Well I finally decided to just do all I can to make things work. I added my chiller that has been sitting around now for about 6-7 months, it is a Pacific Coast Import 1/2 horse job and it is been a great addition. I havn't had a temp spike now in several weeks, I also decided to spend a few bux on a temp regulator for my crappy heaters so I bought a Rancho single stage for them. This has been a big improvement, in the last 2 weeks or so my temp has only swung .5deg F. I also took out a 5 gallon bucket of horribly algea infested rock (valonia fur cyno hair pretty much you name it) and soaked it in lye and thoroughly rinsed. I got that back in and did some wc's. I started running a sock again 2 nights ago, and things are looking a lot better today. So some more wc's and some more rock treatments over the next couple months and I think things will start to really turn around. I have these 2 large nana colonies that are really in terrible shape, they are brown and have been stn'ing around the bases for a while. They will never be the same but are starting to get the purple tips again, so I think that they will be fragged down to make room for some new stuff. Anyway I will get some pix up and you guys will feel sorry for me lol.