New to forum with some pics and ?'s

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Sep 25, 2005
Venice, FL
Hi, I'm new to this forum and new to SW. I actually fell into it accidentally when left with a 55 kit, that's another story. :) I was referred to this forum from a FW forum I frequent. After I had so many marine ?'s. :) I have a 55 gallon Gulf of Mexico theme. With most of it being stuff I collected off of the Gulf here in FL. The only fish I have is what appears to be a lawnmower blenny that was rock hopping and lept too far in to the sand. I happened to catch him the day I was collecting my sand. I also have a sea slug that turned up. Which I indentified as a bursatella leachii. Which has left me a long yellow rope of eggs. I also have lots of hitchikers. What would you guys do with the eggs? I'm leaving them be for now. Here are a couple of pics. I finally caught the crab in the photo. Does anyone know what kind of sponges I have as well? I apologize if the pics are too big. I'm getting used the resizing thing. I'm used to just hotlinking from imagestation to post pics.




Welcome to RF bsemantic! I'm glad you've decided to jump into the saltwater hobby. I'm sure you will find all of the info and help you need right here.

As for that sponge, I can honestly say I've never seen it before. It's kinda hard to tell from the photos. Maybe someone else more familiar with a better eye can tell you. Take care and I'm glad you've joined RF!
What would you guys do with the eggs?

hmm i cook some nice scramble eggs lol !!
hmm i don't know anything about your pictures but in the 4th picture it looks like you have Nerite Eggs dood.
Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!!


I love Venice, FL! I spent about 2-1/2 weeks there 2 years ago....we came home with too many shark teeth to count. We had a blast (minus the red tide)!

Very interesting slug! I had never heard of it, and for those looking for more info, here you go: Bursatella leachii. I would leave the eggs be. You might be surprised, and have babies. I had a lettuce slug that had babies in my tank. There were around 10 or so, but I only have one left. If you keep an available food source, then your slug should be fine. Just watch any powerheads or intake sources that might suck the slug in. The link I provided does mention a purple ink they use when stressed or damaged.

I'm not sure what types of sponges you have. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful there.

The algae in the last photo looks like Caulerpa sertularoides, also seen on this page: Macroaglaes
NaH2O said:
I love Venice, FL! I spent about 2-1/2 weeks there 2 years ago....we came home with too many shark teeth to count. We had a blast (minus the red tide)![/url]

LOL, you must be talking about Caspersen Beach. The sharks tooth capital of the world. We have Sharkstooth Fest every year. Sorry you had the red tide, it's not always like that. Most of my tank comes from that beach and the bay that separates the island from the mainland. I was monitoring the cell counts closely before collecting. It's where I found this cool looking calico box crab.

I let it go after I found out it's not exactly desired. I like Cecil too, or Cecilia or both. The sea slug forum mentions it as one of the most butt ugly slugs ever. When I first noticed it, it was maybe an inch long. Now at least 3. As for the sponges. The 4th and 5th pictures are the same rock. The yellow is the back, the purple is the front. Anyhow here's a wider shot. Still trying to get that resizing down. You can't tag pics from anywhere but here?

Doesn't that piece of Tonga rock look out of place? Should I just bust it up for rubble? It's been bugging me for a while.
LOL, you must be talking about Caspersen Beach. The sharks tooth capital of the world. We have Sharkstooth Fest every year. Sorry you had the red tide, it's not always like that. Most of my tank comes from that beach and the bay that separates the island from the mainland. I was monitoring the cell counts closely before collecting. It's where I found this

Yes. We spent a great deal of time there.....also at Sharkey's :D.

That is an awesome looking crab.

For the rock, I would do whatever you want. If it is bugging you, then break it up into either shapes you want or into rubble.

You can't tag pics from anywhere but here?

No, you should be able to use the img tags from elsewhere. If you keep having problems, send me a PM with the site where the photos are posted, and I'll play with it and see why it won't post.
Sharky's? Did you have a bait bucket? :) Yeah I had to let the crab go, he turned up in the sand I collected from the surf. Half of the sand is from the surf and half from about 20 feet out. It probably would have eaten all my fish if ever got any. I find the rock much more interesting. When I get better lighting I want to try some soft corals. Someone mentioned nerite eggs earlier. This is my last pic in my pic posting blitz, but the white "jelly" in the left on the rock worries me more than Cecil's rope. Snail eggs? My blenny is in the bottom right. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome.