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Hey Jason, the reeftank looks great and nice selection of fish to go with. I'll send ya home with a few more coral starts when your up to pickup your Hawaii livestock tomorrow.

Cheers, Todd
Hey Jason, the reeftank looks great and nice selection of fish to go with. I'll send ya home with a few more coral starts when your up to pickup your Hawaii livestock tomorrow.

Cheers, Todd

Thanks, as with everything, I'm sure it'll be constantly evolving. Woot, I'll graciously partake in some new flora/coral starts to help seed my reefing.
heh, yeah he was hanging out in the middle of where they dropped a few minutes before i took the pic :) He does seem to constantly swim about and peck at everything.
if mandarin is not ORA, then make sure you have a constant supply of pods via fuge, etc...or it will starve to death...(which I fairly sure you already know that). :)
So my bubble tip anemone is sooo happy or bored and needed a buddy. It split in 2 yesterday!! I guess they do that when they are happy/good conditions? Anyways, now there are 2 of em.
Tank is looking great. FWIW nems can split due to stress as well as good water conditions. I've had nems that would sometimes split after doing a larger than normal water change. They do also split when they're happy too. :D

Oh and sometimes feeding a lot will induce a split. At least that is what I see with my quarter sized super mini carpet nems.

Great job, any FTS lately?

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Ahhh interesting. So basically they'll split for about any reason, lol. I do feed him semi often - squid pieces that i unthaw and he seems to be left to his own by the fish around him. FTS?
FTS= Full Tank Shot. :D And yes, nems split for many reasons. One sure way to know when a nem is happy is when they stays put and doesn't move around a lot. :lol:

Yah Jason, where is the FULL-TANK-SHOT at buddy. I'm sure that eventually will make it over to check it in person but, until then more pics please :popcorn:. My DT is settling down so wiil put together a frag pkg for you soon, I'll dip em in Coral R/X for you while here before bagging up to be on the safe side. This is also a very good habit to be in no matter who/where you get/buy corals from and no one self included should get/be offended by. EVERYTHING FISH & CORALS WILL BE DIPPED BEFORE GOING INTO MY NEW SYSTEM.

Cheers, Todd
This is also a very good habit to be in no matter who/where you get/buy corals from and no one self included should get/be offended by. EVERYTHING FISH & CORALS WILL BE DIPPED BEFORE GOING INTO MY NEW SYSTEM.

Cheers, Todd

+1 to what Todd (TJL) mentioned on dips. I use to introduce fish and frags into my system without dipping. Learned the hard way to always dip before introduce a new coral to your system. Helps keep them pesty little creatures out of your aquarium. :D Not saying you'll eliminate all the pest worries, but dips help.


p.s. I have even been know to dip when transferring a coral from one of my own systems to another one of my own systems. :lol: Overkill I know. :D
Quick question, what is the best way to carefully ajar the the anemone to put him in another part of the tank. Can I touch them with my hands without too much recourse with being stung?
Quick question, what is the best way to carefully ajar the the anemone to put him in another part of the tank. Can I touch them with my hands without too much recourse with being stung?

What I've done to get nems to move or let loose of their footing is to gently try and work either a spoon or popcile stick under their foot area. It can take some time but usually works for me. Just have to take your time and be patient

And being stung by both bubble tip nems and carpet nems I can say that both did no harm, just left me with a mild irritation/rash for a couple of days. Carpet nems where a bit more fun as they seemed to stick to my hand more. :lol: Oh and people with more sensitive skin may have more of a reaction than others.

Last word of advice, if you attempt to move a nem from its current location, it may not settle in where you really wish for it to be. Nems really like to choose where they call home in the tanks.

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+1 on what Alex said, but I have heard rubbing an ice cube on the foot of the anem will jar it loose. Can you replace the rock that the anem is on rather than moving the anem itself ???
Yeah, actually I can probably flip it over. Good thing it is kinda a makeshift bridge. I'll have to look at it more tonight.
+1 on what Alex said, but I have heard rubbing an ice cube on the foot of the anem will jar it loose. Can you replace the rock that the anem is on rather than moving the anem itself ???

That's right, the ice cube trick. :lol: I forgot about that one. Never tried that myself, Yet. :D

Ok, as requested, some updated pics :)


my Lunar's

Torch and 1 cardinal

Frogspawn with the other cardinal

Some new treats from Nata! new mushroom

Some sour green apples

Strawberry wines and blue zoa's with yellow middle.
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Ok, due to finding ick and removing all the fish, decided to have the tank drilled and get rid of the overflow box. Also changed up the rock scape.





both anemones