i like the ps series better, it has a bigger reaction chamber, and better transition at the neck.
now i had to add a maxijet 1200 on the output of the skimmer because my sump sits higher than the output of the skimmer. woks great but i have a couple issues. first its leaking a little where you connect the stand pipe to the 90 degree pvc that enters the skimmer. its not bad, but i was thinking glueing it together, maybe silicone, that way i can take apart and clean in the future. second, there is a loud gurgling sound on top of the output pipe, due to the fact the maxijet 1200 is sucking the output water, to reach the top of the sump. any suggestions skimmerwhisperer?
Well, mine came in today. The SWC160. The way its set up you twist the stand pipe to increase or decrease the height of the foam in the body of the skimmer.
Mines running WAY to wet. It would probably drain my whole tank in 2-3hrs. Its set in the lowest position. Any ideas??
put your skimmer on a stack of egg crate until the outlet is the same level as the sump, or drill a hole and put a bulkhead in your sump at the level of the skimmer outlet, so that it goes directly into the sump through the side.
Well, mine came in today. The SWC160. The way its set up you twist the stand pipe to increase or decrease the height of the foam in the body of the skimmer.
Mines running WAY to wet. It would probably drain my whole tank in 2-3hrs. Its set in the lowest position. Any ideas??
Brett, do you have the reducer inside the pump male volute? It was a small black piece that went from 1" to 1/2". If you don't have it in there you won't pull much air, 20ish scfh which will overflow your skimmer. Once you add it in there face the small end towards the impeller. The air injector piece that came with it is a small grey piece. You want to slide it in just a few MM's. Either end will work fine, the slit or not slit. If you do put the slit side in, you must have the slit facing the impeller. HTH
Hmm, its tough to say without an air meter. I have my msx200 pulling 45scfh and i have the other end about 3mm down. Its super quiet as well. Its really starting to pull out some dark skimmate as well. Noise really isn't going to tell you anything as i can make 20scfh sound like there's a jet about to land on my house. Have you tried placing the flat end into the volute cover instead of the slit end? Give that a whirl. The water line in mine is right where the taper starts from the body. HTH, and it doesn't sound like your doing anything wrong imo.