Well, I'll tell ya what....I just purchased this skimmer and received it today. First of all after unpacking it the bubble plate was chipped where the screw holds it down so that needs to be replaced, and the silencer was broken so it needs to be replaced. I also had to redo the mesh mod. Once everything was ok to give it a bath i got everything ready, plugged it in, and got shocked. The pump did not kick the POS surge protector I got but that really doesn't mean much since it fried the socket it was plugged into. Looks like it melted the top of the pump a little. So 1st impression of a skimmer that was about $390 shipped? Needs new bubble plate, silencer, and pump. Overall I am very unhappy with receiving something so expensive in such a condition. (Yeah its cheap compared to the competiton however it is still pricy for a piece of plastic.)
Well now its off to the whole game of trying to get a hold of them between x and x time since word all over message boards is that they are next to impossible to get a hold of.