if that's the silliest thing you've ever heard, then i dont know what to tell you...
what the hell is wrong with wanting a little data from air and watt meters?
the foam head inside a skimmer can be effected by so many factors
(ie;feeding, bioload, maintenance regime, weather, chemical dosing, other filtration present,etc...)
that it is in comparison to actual air/watt meter readings, a poor judge of actual performance.
now granted, i've modded many o skimmer without no stinking meters...
but, i do this professionally for a living...
do they help you fine tune your modifications?? yes!
is it a good idea to use these devices before chopping up your new investment of several hundreds of dollars? hell yes!!
the mighty skimerwhisperer has spoken, nuff said...now everyone go... and be at peace with the world and your protein skimmer.
no more of this childish bickering...constuctive criticism from here on out, lest ye be smote by skimzor!!!!
