Krish, that's why I'd never want to live in paradi... err.. the Bahamas. Shipping sucks.
Couple of things:
XT, or XTi? They've recently come out with a new model, but this also makes the older model much cheaper. Even the XT is more than simply capable.
Regardless of "the deal" you get later, I personally never deal with anybody except Their reputation is absolutely top notch, and I've never had anything but perfect service. For some reason, the retail camera industry is filled with snakes. You'll unknowingly buy a warranty, or you'll get a "grey market" unit, which is only warrantied in Japan, or you'll be upsold unnecessary items because you're not really sure what you're getting into, and so on. B&H also has combos already built so you can avoid that kit lens. Consider buying the kit with the 17-85mm EFS. I'd almost guarantee you're going to be disappointed with the kit lens once you use anything else.
Also, Canon has several discounts running right now, so you'll want to stay on time for those. IIRC, the Rebel XT is eligible for $150 off, and the discount climbs with the more Canon items you buy. For that reason, you may want to consider that Canon 100mm f/2.8 MACRO right now, for combined rebates. Also, that lens is THE LENS, don't even bother shopping for anything else. You might save a few dollars, but it will never compare to the quality of that Canon 100mm MACRO. It's an absolutely stellar lens.
If you can swing it, check the options, it might be best to but the XT as a body only, then buy the 17-85mm lens separate, and see if it works out to a lower price with the combined rebate system. I'm not sure how the numbers will work out.
And if you have any questions, shoot them my way. I'm a Canon guy, too. My 20D is not very different from the XT, at all.