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I didn't order the 48". It's the 60" 3x 160.
As in glass edges of tank, or as in there needs to be a sheet of glass Across the top of the tank for the legs to sit on?
Ok 2 more questions.
Have you heard anything more on iPhone and also Apple computer software being developed for these guys yet? work in progress
Is there anything that the new external seperate LCD screen controller do anything that the touch screen is not capable on light I ordered?no. both are the same. just you have in your lamp. as new applications will be developed your controller will be more and more powerfull. updates are being released every 2-3 days
Oops a third question. I've haven't until recently seen you mention wifi. Is wifi an option if you'd prefer not to use blue tooth? Or is it controlled by Bluetooth and software updated via wifi? for phobos/deimos - wifi is the prefer way but you can also control your light via bluetooth
Sorry for so many q's
Tor, I thin you need to bring those lights over here so we can see the difference with them on my tank..........LOL
Tor, I thin you need to bring those lights over here so we can see the difference with them on my tank..........LOL
I think he should bring them by my house since I'm closer hahhahaha.
Hopefully he can hook you up...I saw the mounting cables and thought they looked useless..I am definatly glad i went with the legs...
Brett...I guarantee you your happiness once you get your fixture...I still dont have the program set up yet for controll,But even just plugging them in and running a single setting they are amazing....I see colors I thought didnt exist
Not missing anythingthat is the standard hanging kit. I have not seen anyone using it the way it is design since it it not practical. I am working this weekend on my own light rack.