Question regarding LED lights

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ahh I was meaning to keep an eye on the forums in case you started a build thread for this tank.

the hole(s) for the fuge light will fit one of these heatsinks: PC VGA Video Card Heatsinks Cooler Cooling Fan V7 NEW - eBay (item 220573552748 end time Mar-12-11 01:35:34 PST)

if you give the little fan on it just 4-5v it will keep pretty much any single LED cool. I run one on an XP-G at ~2A

also I ended up scrapping the light for other projects so if you want the the parts for the mounting arm to mount that heatsink you can have them for a frag or whatever. I finished them up pretty nice and anodized them black too.

Can you post a pic of the mounting arm. We'll see if Floyd can work it in. I dont really know what he has designed for that.
And let me know what you might be interested in as frags for trade.
Well Lorrie, The light module is now in production. The standard heatsink did not fit my idea so with the help of the greatest camera Todd out there, and his networking skills, we are getting this thing to what I thought it should look like. So as soon as I can I will post pictures of it. Right now we are working out some of the mounting issues. Trying to find out the best way to have these safe and secure.
alright sounds like you probably don't have a use for it now but I just got a chance to take some pics of the mounting arm.

It fits in the pocket in the pvc sheet and holds the light 10.5" off of the stand which is I think ~2" off the water. I lost the CAD files for that whole build but I'm pretty sure I designed it to hold the 3" wide fixture centered over the front section of the tank; it looks like the back of the heatsink would be held 5.5" forward from the back of the tank. You would just need to drill+tap two holes in the base of the heatsink and it would be solidly mounted and removable.

The pieces are .75" x 1.5" rectangular tubing and they are set up so that the wiring can be run through them and be pretty much invisible.

It fits in the pocket in the pvc sheet and holds the light 10.5" off of the stand which is I think ~2" off the water.

I think that becuase of the number of LEDs, we were planning on it setting approx 5" above the surface of the water.
Thanks for the pictures Capt!
They give me food for thought.
Lorrie: My friend with a much nicer mill than mine will be home on Thursday, I plan to bring it over there then.
Neat project!
Thanks for the pictures Capt!
They give me food for thought.
Lorrie: My friend with a much nicer mill than mine will be home on Thursday, I plan to bring it over there then.
Neat project!

I'm hope he's having fun with this. I would hate for it to become a pain!
You too. Thanks for the help!
This is alot of fun. I love projects so this gives me something to do. Can't wait until the finished product though and I see a bunch of happy corals in your Nano.

Never told you how awesome you are for doing this.
Well, I suppose a couple months after I get it, I will need to host a get together so you all can see it in person. I will post pics, but my pics just dont show the true colors very well.
Well its been a few days since the last update and its thursday.:wave: So, are we wondering if Todd met up with his friend to work on the heatsink? I know I am:D Looking forward to seeing the progress.
Are you kidding me!!?? This is awesome! I just chanced on to this thread, and read it from page 1. What a cool build! I don't understand half the terminology being used, but I'm still learning.....I think! I'll admit, I was bummed to get to page 5, and find myself hanging...

Can't wait for more updates, I'm subscribing to this one!!

Also, I just gotta say, the fact that a few RF members are getting together, to build this thing, FOR FUN!! I'm very impressed!
So sorry Lorrie, my fault I just could not resist telling Floyd about my upcoming LED project and he could not resist temptation to tinker with so much


JK I think its the other Todd's fault, you know just holdin' up the show playing with his new shop tools from Don W. Really though I'll let Floyd finish your lighting before I kidnap him for mine.

Cheers, Todd
Ok, brief update :)
First off, the delay is in fact all me, Floyd was ready to rock when he brought it to me, and I said "Cool, but you know if we do this and change this and move that..."
Long story short, I just HAD to tinker.
So Larry W and I worked up a complete plan last night and I'm pretty happy with it. The only bit I had some trouble with is how to do the light stand. I will do a sketch-up later today if I have time.
Lorrie: My current thought is to have the bottom of the light stand be a plate that the tank sits on. This would be 12.5"x10.5"x3/16 polished aluminum leaving 1/4" reveal around the three sides of the tank. This solves "how do I attach the light?".
Will that work for you?
:lol: :lol: :lol: Thats really feeding Floyds addiction with all those part.
He may be set for excitement for the next few months.
Not a problem.
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Ok, brief update :)
First off, the delay is in fact all me, Floyd was ready to rock when he brought it to me, and I said "Cool, but you know if we do this and change this and move that..."
Long story short, I just HAD to tinker.
So Larry W and I worked up a complete plan last night and I'm pretty happy with it. The only bit I had some trouble with is how to do the light stand. I will do a sketch-up later today if I have time.
Lorrie: My current thought is to have the bottom of the light stand be a plate that the tank sits on. This would be 12.5"x10.5"x3/16 polished aluminum leaving 1/4" reveal around the three sides of the tank. This solves "how do I attach the light?".
Will that work for you?

Not a problem.
And that sounds fine with the stand. Will there possibly be a swing arm or a hinge of some kind so I can move the light out of the way without sliding the tank off the stand?
(Camera) Todd, you are the one doing all the hard work. Tinker away my friend. I am sure that Lorrie is more interested in quality over quick fabrication. So I just got a chance to peek at (Southside) Todd's equipment (whoa that did not sound good) and he's got alot going on down there (Whoa again). But it is going to be awesome.
(Camera) Todd, you are the one doing all the hard work. Tinker away my friend. I am sure that Lorrie is more interested in quality over quick fabrication. So I just got a chance to peek at (Southside) Todd's equipment (whoa that did not sound good) and he's got alot going on down there (Whoa again). But it is going to be awesome.

Ummm..... no I wont go there!