aka Rob
thanks, Mike.
has anybody restocked?
has anybody restocked?
maxx said:I went out and bought a small 10 gallon tank that I hooked a a powerhead up to, and dumped all my hermits, (cept for the one I couldnt find...), one of my Blood shrimp, and the three acro crabs into while the treatment was going on. I was unable to get one of my bloodshirmp out intitially, but somewhere around the 4-5 hour mark of the treatment, he/she started acting a little "off" and I was able to get it out of the tank safely. Both blood shrimp survived, the hermit in the tank I couldnt get out didnt...and neither did an emereld crab that somehow survived the 1st, but not the 2nd treatment...
I disagree with your assessment that the medication becomes less active in your system after a few hours. Thinking about the original purpose of this drug, (Milbemycin Oxime which is the active ingredient that coincidentally kills crustaceans in addition to heartworms) is to a monthly heartworm it should have a reletively long half life. From my own observations, I lost two more scarlett hermits after did a water change, ran carbon, and turned on my skimmer. One died a day after the 2nd treatment, and the 2nd died 2 days after the treatment. I have a 58 gallon BB tank with an Iwaki 55RLT pushing approx 1K gph through my clsoed stagnant areas where a heavier than water solution could settle dont exist in my tank.
I realize thats nowhere near a scientific observation, but the design behind the drugs intended purpose and my own observations in the system lead me to believe that Interceptor stays in the tank a little longer than folks intially think.
maxx said:My diadema urchin was also unaffected by the treatment.
Macbeth417 said:This will not kills your anemones, your fish, your coral, your dog or your cat.
Macbeth417 said:This will not kills your anemones, your fish, your coral, your dog or your cat.