Well I have learned the hard way unfortunantly that anthias and interceptor do not mix. I bought 5 anthias from Kevin at Aquatic Dreams about eight weeks ago, they were Bartletts, a super male and four others. I had them for about two weeks and everything was doing great, they ate like pigs from day one in my 230 reef tank. We went on vacation for 21/2 weeks and came back and they were doing great, the sitter had did a superb job of taking care of the tank. Anyway I had to treat again for red bugs because the single treatment I had did earlier was not enough on the 230, which one treatment had did the job on the 75 a year earlier. Anyway I did the first treatment a week ago, use just over half a pill for what I figured with sump and all I have about 230 gals of actual water volume. Removed carbon, polypad, turned off UV and shut down the skimmer. Everything looked good and after 7 hrs I did a 10 gal water change put fresh carbon in the sump along with the poly pad, turned the skimmer on to skim wet and the UV. Went to bed and the next morning I did another 10 gal water change. Everything looked great, all fish ate [ or I thought they had] their morning food. About an hour later the super male was upside down in the tank, so I got him out and put him in a tupperware container in the sump. He was still breathing ,but it was labored. I did a few things and he lasted the day and died that night. I thought well maybe he was an old fish and it was his time. Well that left me with 4 and so I went on. Well yesterday I did the second treatment the same way and this morning I only saw one of the anthias out. Finally one of the others came out but it was in trouble. I fed the tank and the one ate like a pag but the other wasn't interested in food. I netted the fish and put it in a container in the sump, added a few mysis and put in a few drops of liquid B-12 and a little garlic. Well it is back in the main tank, seems to be eating and swimming around more alert, I still don't know for sure that he well make it. Anyway I wanted to alert everyone that anthias and interceptor may not get along. I realize that I did not do the huge water change that was recommended by Dustin right away, but I don't know for sure that it would have done any good. I hope 2 treatments is enough because I do not want to have to treat again, knowing what I know now. I know there well be debate that maybe a big water change would have saved them, and that most likely is true, but I did a small one right away and put in alot of carbon and the polypad, which would suck the levels down quickly. I am posting this to alert others to the fact that these little guys are in danger when using this stuff. I called Kevin and alerted him. I am going to wait a couple months and make sure the bugs are gone and then add some females back in, but not until then. I hope Eric doesn't see this. Still have not seen the other two, they most likely died in the rocks. John