Man I lost a TLC wall hammer that was turning around in my tank today. My tank has been hanging at 86 degrees during the hottest point of the day and when light out arrives my tank spikes to 88!!!
I dunno what to do, its only a 20 gallon I have been using frozen water bottles in the sump but its not making a dent How long can my corals make it without light? I have 98 watts of VHO T5 on top of it, all heaters are unplugged in the house, reptile lights are off and fans are running 24/7
I'm in a bad situation right now. I get morning day light through the slider and evening sun through my bedroom window. I usually drop the temp in my top floor condo as much as I can during the night time in try to seal that in during the day. If I walk into my 650 squarefoot house for more then an hour the temp inside goes up by two degrees. This is insane.
any ideas?
I have been doing:
ice in the sump
all heaters unplugged
no lights on any tanks (except UVA for bearded dragons and the SW tank lights)
fans going all day long
I can't afford an AC unit or a chiller. I tried to do a swamp cooler setup(ice blocks and fans) in the condo and the effects were minimal