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Hey sryder...It looks good to me! That little plumbing experiment I did on my skimmer looks nice, but isn't efficient. My skimmer wouldn't operate the same with all the bends so I went back to how I had it before. Infact, my temperature jumped 3 degrees and I don't know if it was due to the pressure being placed on the pump with all of the bends. I knew when I unplugged it, it was warmer than before i made the change. Everythings back to normal now and is running smoothly. Thanks for posting your pic sryder.
ohh boy here i go, i think after this i won't be able to show my face here anymore :p .
i wish it was as kewl as yours guys but what can i do about it :rolleyes: .

i'll start cute... look at the little tank hehe :D






now Krish go ahead and laugh :D
Gabriela, I told you not to let anyone see our secert toothbrush filtration system for the elimination of problem algae. Now everyone will see how to do it!!!
Why laugh when I already pissed my pants!!! Just kidding (LOL) I don't see anything wrong with your set up (would I go to hell if I lied LOL JK) Seriously, there's nothing wrong with it. The only question I have is what the hell is up with the toothbrush? Does your fish brush their teeth or something or do you brush your teeth and wash out your mouth in the tank thinking the charcoal will absorb it (LOL)
LOL!! i told you it was bad and yes krish you'd go to hell if you lie .
this is the thing, every night i brush my fishes teeth so they don't get any cavities that's why i have them there LOL !!! :lol:
Actually if you guys knew, that's the new hip :lol: :lol:
ok ok, fine they are holding my lights from falling into the water that's why they are there, i keep telling to myself that i will buy the canopy but i've been spending the money in something else so that's why they've been there :D
Dont worry about it, we have seen worse. I had a can of corn holding mine up for months.


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lol !!
yeah i actually don't mind it right now :D but for sure i can't wait until Christmas to get that canopy and the quarantine tank .
I personally love the used dental tools. I think that I am going to go hang some stratigically in my tank. J/K it all looks great :D. Do you have any heat problems with the MH's that close in to the water?
I personally love the used dental tools. I think that I am going to go hang some stratigically in my tank. J/K it all looks great . Do you have any heat problems with the MH's that close in to the water?

LOL !! i'm telling you tooth brushes are the new thing :lol: and yes when i was running booth lights, my tank would get up to 86 but since i'm just running one side, it doesn't get hot at all and its pretty much stable.
One thing that happened to me when i was running both lights is that the tank got bowed and i didn't noticed it until we moved to the place where we are living, the lights are so strong that i didn't know they were melting the plastic that is holding the tank. :D

and you see Krish i'm not the only one :lol: , i mean we know in the Bahamas nothing extrange happens but here in the city, there's so many extrange things going on lol :lol:
Ok as I promised here is a few pics of the back of my tank.....Pre sump/refugium :D




See! Seaclone Skimmers to work, well mine does lol



Well Gabby, you don't have to worry about your pics anymore :)
Nothing wrong with a little "old scchool" Detri! Hey if it works for you then more power to you. All the fancy crap doesn't work all the time anyway.
Well Gabby, you don't have to worry about your pics anymore

lol !! well from where i see it, i see that i still have to worry about it lol :D one thing that i don't get is how in the world is that cup up there? i mean i know is hang on but i was expecting a more little cup type.
i like your skimmer don't take me wrong, but mine makes way more bubbles :D and its a Red Sea Prizm Skimmer. :D
Detri I had that same setup when I first started. Your seaclone looks as thought it is skimming circles around the reef devil deluxe(no longer in use) I droped $300 on earlier this year.
Well I had just emptied the cup 30 mins or so before I took the pic. Iguess thats why I don't have any bubbles in it. And I don't have any livestock in the tank yet, well except for the 4 snails I bought and 2 Blue Leg Hermit Crabs. That I bought this morning. If they live for a couple weeks I will add a Blenny or 2. I don't understand what you mean by the "cup up there" but, it has rubber "O" ring at the top of the cylinder. It just fits into the "O" ring area. :razz:
mungus said:
Detri I had that same setup when I first started. Your seaclone looks as thought it is skimming circles around the reef devil deluxe(no longer in use) I droped $300 on earlier this year.

I am just glad it works, lol. I was worried I had spent 80 bucks on a piece of junk. After all the comments made about it on this site and other reviews I read after I bought it. I know that there are better skimmers. I will be getting a new one for in my sump when I make it in the new year. I'll be taking play by play pics of all the stuff I make to share.
This is just a little bump on the thread incase anyone forgot about it and also has a picture they wanted to add of their filtration systems.

Detri...I think you intimidated everyone else from posting their pics (LOL)
Thanx Krish for reminding us!!! :D
Gabriela, yours looks as good as anybody elses if it does the the job :D :D :D .
About the toothbrush, I think Nikki had a thread on here about a year ago or so about the different things that people used in there tanks that had absolutly nothing to do with the aquarium industry, you'd be surprised!!
Nice corn Don :D :D :D, but they do make microwaves to heat dinner!!!!!!!!