Spa flex plumbing question

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Bring on the FISH!
Jul 8, 2008
Spokane Valley, WA.
The plumbing off of my overflow box into the sump is all made with hard PVC plastic. There's no problem with it other than the water noise flowing through it is pretty noisy in the vertical section before it makes a 90 and goes underneath the stand. I'm sure that using the spa flex tubing around the back of the tank instead of a sharp 90 ° PTC fitting Well dramatically quiet down the waterfall sound. What is the proper way to connect that type a tubing into a PVC fittings? What kind of glue do you use and any special preparations Before making the connection?
I believe it is all the same glue and materials. You just glue in spaflex instead of pvc pipe.
I use flex pvc anytime I can which is similar to spa flex. Makes life so much easier when plumbing plus you avoid sharp bends. I think they both use pvc cement like pvc pipe does. Here is a pic of the flexible pvc I used to give you an idea. :)


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Yes the glue and everything is the same as the PVC. Try and add a couple of 45's to give the drain a angle and smooth out the drop into the sump. The flex pipe does not flex that much. It really helps in matching up in tight places where the ridgid pipe wont flex. But just replacing the rigid with the flex may not solve your problem.
Okay well that's good to hear everybody. I was just feeling a bit nervous to make that kind of the connection since the spa flex isn't rigid PVC tubing I didn't know how well it would take into the connection like that hanging off the side of the tank. So I think I'll head down to Ace Hardware today and pick up the materials to convert that over this weekend. Or maybe even tonight just depends on how I feel. All sure get some before and after pictures to post on here.
I forget the product names but I used a purple primer and PVC cement when I built my plumbing. I mated 2" Spa Flex to 2" rigid PVC in sections of my plumbing to avoid sharp corners and it turned out very nice.

I utilized spa flex for my drains and just used PVC Primmer and Cement however I agree with others on the thread that it doesn't allow sharp turns however if you use a hair dryer it allows it to be a bit more flexible when your setting up. You should have seen my wifes face when I grabed her hair dryer and took it out to the garage... ;)

Another piece of advice is to make sure you hold it in place for 30 sec or so since it seems to like to kick out more than rigid PVC when you glue it.
I've had awesome results with a product called ::: Christy's™ - Red Hot Blue Glue :::. Found it at the big Orange box store (former Tony Stewart store). No need for primer unless code requires it. :lol: Of course last time I checked, reef tanks don't have code requirements.

Sooooo,,,, I completed the plumbing modifications to the fish tank drain and return today. What a job. What would seem to be an easy in and out kind of job turned out taking me some 5 hours and a pile of towels.

So hers the story. First I turned off the pumps and allowed the water do drain out of the tank until it stopped flowing out of the over flow. To help speed up the process I used a gallon container to displace water in the tank to push the water out faster. So when I realized the extra gallon was going to overflow the sump by at least a half gallon or so it was to late. Water under the tank all over the electrical work. Oh crap, so I immediately pick up the power strip and move it out of the base of the tank and luckily I got it Justin time before the water came pouring out the over flow on the sump. So I run and get some towels and throw them under the tank and go out and get the shop vac to clean up the mess. After that I removed some water from the sump and started removing the clamps to the plumbing on the side of the tank. I removed the return line to the bottom of the uv filters and was going to hold if up with something but it was stiff so I just left it. I started removing the upper plumbing connections and looked down to notice I was standing in a lake of water. Son of a biscuit! The return line fell to the floor and because I had a towel already on the floor I didn’t here a thing. Of course I now had the electrical strip on the floor that was covered in water. This was a major flood and I had to move the new furniture we just got on Friday to the opposite side of the room and got lots more bath towels to quickly clean up the mess. This is really turning out to be not my day for sure. So after that I just had to take a breather, I was sweating from running around like a crazy man. After taking a short brake and rethinking the plan I removed the return pump from the sump but I had an idea to reverse the hose on the shop vac and blow the water out of the line back into the sump. Another big mistake, water when flying every ware from the massive amount of air coming out of the return pump intake in the sump. Crapoly again!!! This is not my day. I’m starting to feel like an idiot at this point. What could possible happen next. So I got the pump out and put it into the sick. I cut the drain line under the tank so I could remove it. I cut the line and separated it. No more flooding. Back to the shop vac to remove any remaining water from the drain so I don’t have to clean up any other mess of water. I turned on the shop vac and put the end to the open end of the drain and no sooner does water come gushing out the end of the line. The over flow box water was gushing out the end because the small 1/8 in hole in the top of the silencer can not keep up with the vacuum volume. I feel like a complete and utter idiot at this point.

So with no more delay here is the end result of my day.



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Ok, so I guess the difference is not so obvious on the video, maybe there is audio leveling on my camera but in real life it is a huge difference. The bulk of the water noise is now coming from only the hard pvc elbows coming out of the tank. The flex line is almost silent. The nosiest thing now is the skimmer and I can’t do anything about that. It is what it is. Thanks for everyone’s help on this.
Man, it sounded like a disaster LOL!! I've had my share of them. Ain't fun! I once back siphoned half of my tank by trying out a home made return nozzle from my sump. I had it half way down in the tank connected to the the return pump sitting in the sump. I forgot to drill a hole to break the siphon and turned off the pump to run out for a few mins. The sump overflowed and I back siphoned half of my tank on the floor. My wife called me on my cell cussing telling me to get my you know what home because water from the tank was flowing out the door!! :lol:

Glad you got it sorted out though. Looks good! :)
Was I there??? This sounds like my normal day as soon as I lay a hand on the tank :D
been there done that, but thankfully my tank is in the garage, but i agree having an extra hand is nice to have...

I bet the stress level was thru the roof.
I was wishing someone else was here too. I could have used someone to wipe my face and keep handing me towels.

Sounds like it would have been interesting to have someone with a videocamera there as well!

Glad the final result was a success.
Too funny Erik, though not at the time for sure and like many reading this "Been there done that... have the shirt that says so..." Next time give one of us NSR members a call to help you out brother, I don't know how I would have gotten this far on my LED build without some greatly needed help and/or advice from Floyd and Dave and Alex and Mike and Eric...... I ended up using as much flex as I could on the 125g plumbing and really like the outcome.

Cheers, Todd
Thanks guys
Honestly I didn't think it was going to be that big of a deal after All it's only a 5 foot piece of line.

But apparently it's not over, I Woke up this morning to the toilet flushing in the living room.
Now I got to figure out how to take care of the toilet flushing every 5 min Noise.
I'm Starting feel like I should've just left it alone in the first place.
I suspect that you were running your drainpipe completely full of water. With the bends replaced by spaflex, you should have a higher flow rate. Since the overflow is the same (not actually allowing more water to flow over), your drain line is not completely full now. But occaisionally it does fill up, the added pressure increases the velocity a bit, and it "sucks air".

More details about your overflow connection (pictures, etc) will allow educated guesses of a possible solution.

And if you do decide to do more re-plumbing, please set up a video camera :)