Special Election of President of PSAS

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skimerwhisperer also addressed the questions very well but may want to check the definition of noob before refering to new members as noobs

"noob" or "newbie"... i think most people can figure out what that is...lol
nothing to be ashamed of, i was a noob for years. and it certainly isnt meant as a jab, or to be disrespectful, the way you seem to be taking it. there are always new beginners in the hobby, and they take advantage of the experience from senior members...it's a good thing!!

so yeah, good point here, if you want a deadpan, non humorous president, im NOT your guy:idea:

here's from wikipedia:

The word newbie is a variant of 'new boy' and comes from British public school and military slang[citation needed].

Before it entered popular discourse by way of the Internet, the term "newbie" had a limited usage among U.S. troops in the Vietnam War as a slang term for a new man in a unit.[1]

Its earliest known usage on the Internet may have been on the USENET newsgroup talk.bizarre[2], and was certainly in use by 1981[3]

Coming from an oral tradition, the initial usage written either "newbie" or "newbee" (eg Los Angeles Times of August 1985: "It had to do with newbees. I could be wrong on the spelling, but newbees are the rookies among the Blue Angels...").

In internet usage the spelling "newbie" has been the norm, with some use of the shortened form "newb".[citation needed]

Newb is also considered a relatively new person to a game that is inexperienced and doesn't know what they are doing. This term is often addressed as newb (Newbie). However, in recent times this term is infrequently used and has been widely accepted as being replaced by noob.

........damn noobs...lol :)
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Thank you to both nominees for taking the time to answer my questions. Not sure it made my decision any easier :lol: As part of the BOD I want to make sure I am voting for the person who will be best for the club and also be able to provide leadership for the BOD.

As Mark stated the BOD is a democracy so the ideas that were being hashed out earlier were just that, ideas. I am more concerned that the individual's motives are in the right place, making this club a place the members want to be and most importantly it is fun for all involved!
"noob" or "newbie"... i think most people can figure out what that is...lol
nothing to be ashamed of, i was a noob for years. and it certainly isnt meant as a jab, or to be disrespectful, the way you seem to be taking it. there are always new beginners in the hobby, and they take advantage of the experience from senior members...it's a good thing!!

so yeah, good point here, if you want a deadpan, non humorous president, im NOT your guy:idea:

here's from wikipedia:

The word newbie is a variant of 'new boy' and comes from British public school and military slang[citation needed].

Before it entered popular discourse by way of the Internet, the term "newbie" had a limited usage among U.S. troops in the Vietnam War as a slang term for a new man in a unit.[1]

Its earliest known usage on the Internet may have been on the USENET newsgroup talk.bizarre[2], and was certainly in use by 1981[3]

Coming from an oral tradition, the initial usage written either "newbie" or "newbee" (eg Los Angeles Times of August 1985: "It had to do with newbees. I could be wrong on the spelling, but newbees are the rookies among the Blue Angels...").

In internet usage the spelling "newbie" has been the norm, with some use of the shortened form "newb".[citation needed]

Newb is also considered a relatively new person to a game that is inexperienced and doesn't know what they are doing. This term is often addressed as newb (Newbie). However, in recent times this term is infrequently used and has been widely accepted as being replaced by noob.

........damn noobs...lol :)

not to get into a word debate but here is the wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noob definition. while some may not find being called a noob others most certainly do
not to get into a word debate but here is the wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noob definition. while some may not find being called a noob others most certainly do

uuummm, o.k. demandrid, ...lol
you must be reffering to the "boob" + "newbie" reference...which is for game play, which we are not doing... you obvoiusly missed the last part:
Newb is also considered a relatively new person to a game that is inexperienced and doesn't know what they are doing. This term is often addressed as newb (Newbie). However, in recent times this term is infrequently used and has been widely accepted as being replaced by noob.

sorry to all the noobs out there.:idea: i know it's not fun being a noob, but dont worry!!! it goes away quick, unless your a "l33t n00b".
i would consider myself a "l33t n00b" too, so if you are, your in good company ...lol
and by the way, i usually always answer questions from noobs, and was actually nominated as member of the month here on RF for helping noobs with skimmer and equipment problems. and as many might notice, im happy to spend time with anyone who might benifit from my experience, and do so on a daily basis.
Can't we all just get along (lol)? Seriously though....let's not make this like a political election. Let's keep the posts to positions that the nominees are wanting to explain and useful questions as opposed to pokes and jabs at any of those that are running. I hate smear campaigns and the posts in this thread are trending toward that.

Both are great people who just want to help the club. Let's find out how they plan to help the club and vote accordingly. That's all that is needed here.
i know, huh??? this is an AQUARIUM CLUB people...we have FUN here and do this to relax. and if we can educate as well, even better. :idea:

BUT, i would like to reiterate my feeling on being "green"
this IS serious business people,
really think about your impact on the environment,
how much power you consume,
where your creatures come from,
how they are caught and treated,
and ask, what can i/we do to make it better?
i mean really, if you dont think these are vital issues to a hobby that is relyant upon the oceans and their health,
then i think you might need a wake up call. we are a local group of aquarists who, have a lot of power if we choose to use it.
i know there's got to be alot of educated club members out there who understand what im talking about, and hopefully agree with me.
im merely suggesting that we think about these things when were manifesting new club policy, and in our daily lives as consumers.
throughout history, there have been several instances where one person stood up and changed the world...YOU could be that person!
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I think it should be open to all RF members, like it was last year! We have no way to determine who was or wasn't a member during 2007. Either that or make it paid to date members since everyone in our evite received the application and they knew the new year started on Sept 19th.
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Oh what an ugly avitar Mike!! I miss the Orca:D

Got to say I like the green idea. A club that is helping the environment may make it possible to get 501c3 status. And personally I have always been in favor of minimal impact on the reefs.
Nominations are now closed.

A Poll to Elect the President of PSAS for 2008--2009 has been posted.

Thank you for participating.
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