stupid ex- girlfriend blahhhh

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i dont know about colonys but im sure id have some frags by than... c everyones here to help the group.

Ramiah if rothany says no... id b intrested!!!! Ive still got all that stuff upstairs or some acans or something for u.
There are really no words... you need hugs... :)

In my saltwater endeavor thus far I've lost one fish... and that tore me up for quite some time. I still miss her, she was gorgeous.

In this case, definitely turn it over to law enforcement... murder should not go unpunished.
There are really no words... you need hugs... :)

In my saltwater endeavor thus far I've lost one fish... and that tore me up for quite some time. I still miss her, she was gorgeous.

In this case, definitely turn it over to law enforcement... murder should not go unpunished.

+1 on the hurts to lose you little friends :(

I'm sorry this has happend to you. IMHO you should go file the police report and then take her to small claims court. That way SHE can pay for the rebuild. It would also make her think twice before doing some thing this horrific again.

I'm glad to see such support here for you. If you make it south and like softies I have some shrooms and zoa's that I might be able to part with :)
Sorry to hear about that. Honestly your handling better than I would, but not making the situation worse is what's best. And for the setup, I would pick it up again, it would take time but at least you'd enjoy it again, and she wouldn't win :D

Sorry to hear that really sucks! Do you have proof it was her like did she say she was going to do it or text you after she did it? If not there is no point in taking her to court I'm sure she won't admit to anything.
Sorry to hear that really sucks! Do you have proof it was her like did she say she was going to do it or text you after she did it? If not there is no point in taking her to court I'm sure she won't admit to anything.

The level of evidence required in civil court versus criminal court is different. In a case such as this, the plaintiff must show that it is "more likely than not" that the defendant is guilty. This is called 'preponderance of the evidence'. If the plaintiff is able to convince the judge even by only 51% that the defendant is guilty, the judge can rule in the plaintiff's favor. Monetary reward may depend on how convincing the evidence is, but given the situation there is a large possibility that the plaintiff will be rewarded whatever he can prove given appraisals or receipts.

Many people fail to pursue cases like these thinking they must have proof "beyond a shadow of a doubt"... which is just not true.

Additionally, the ex-girlfriend in this situation may or may not understand or know that what she did is actually illegal. Regardless whether or not she had a key to the residence, it is not legal to enter the premises without permission from the owner/tennant. If she is not a legal owner or on the lease, she must have permission from the property owner or tennant prior to entry. Even though she had a key, after a breakup one may reasonably assume she is not welcome at the residence unless she was currently living there. Regardless, even if a person does have permission to be there, it's illegal to do damage to anyone else's property/posessions. Additionally, in a case such as this, where a pet/pets is/are harmed deliberately, specifically resulting in death, one may sue for mental anguish.

For all the frivolous lawsuits out there, this is a case that deserves to go before a judge. I'm not an animal rights acivist and I wouldn't take someone to court because my poodle got a bad haircut... but killing pets because you're mad at someone is just plain sick.
Very good to know info ^
This may be the info to help the thought process head in the correct direction.
Thanks for the post Lee
Ugh...seeing the pictures not only makes me sick, but brings about a lot of bad-words in regards to the character of your ex. I am so very sorry about your loss :( I love each and every critter in my tank, down to the stomatella snails, and it would break my heart to see any of them dead, especially under the circumstances in which they were killed...

I think Lee hit it on the head, and provided great info for you. Take this horrid excuse of a human being to court, and make her deal with the consequences of killing innocent creatures over hurt feelings.
Wow, thats painful.

But hey, let's take this chance to start fresh! Soak your rocks in vinegar, acid, then RO. When your rocks are 'recovering' in the RO, check the water's pH, NO2, NO3, NH3 etc. I would also put any pumps or plumbing that were touching water during the incident in a container with vinegar and soak them thoroughly. The Vinegar is not a strong enough acid to do any damage to the plastic, but I wouldn't put any equipment in the acid w/the rocks. Also, wipe the tank down and disgard of any substrate.

Don't start the tank back up till you are SURE your tank is toxin free.

Good luck!
Rothany, I hope you rebuild I live close enough that I could help you set stuff up and clean, please file the report and let her receive was she deserves. It's amazing how cruel and wretched people can be. I hope you stay in the hobby.
Man, that is BS. I would definately call the police and file a report. If you do that, it would send a message to her that you won't tolerate her crap. Sounds like she has issues. Being a former police officer, it is assault and attack on your personal property and with what you have invested, it definately is a felony. You should not let anymore time pass, CALL THE COPS! The longer you wait, the courts will feel you weren't that concerned about what happened.
You should at least get a restraining order. I know you are bummed but you have to take a step back and get your mind straight. This is no different than coming into your house, illegally, and killing your dog. There would be no doubt in my mind what I would do, I would let the law involved.
Just my two cents, get it on file. If she's that crazy she liable to say you've done something to her and put charges on you. Never under estimate the amount of crazy in a person
What she did to you was clearly domestic violence and should be documented. Just like any abuser she destroyed what you loved. Please do not let her get away with it scott free, her violence can escalate without consequences. Keep your stuff, if you change your mind and want to redo your tank your stuff is there. If you still don't want to restart your tank you can still sell your equipment later down the road. Please document so if she abuses any more animals or people there is an established history...
Wow man what a serious bummer. I cant imagine what you must have come home too. If I were you I'd go after her in small claims court, who knows you might get a good settlement anb be able to afford that new item you always dreamed about.

You are welcome to a few frags once I get my alge under control. I got pink and green birds, several tri color acros and a few monti's. Just give me a pm... free of course.

Best of luck.