Survivor...Exile Island!

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Your teasing just wanted me to look didn't you? I still have a hour and 15 minutes till it starts. But nice try..
But, I am not going to miss this one...I am locking the front door, got my jammies on, I got my DQ blizzard, ready for it...can't wait, thanks for the heads up Krish.

LOL...I forgot you guys live in a different time zone!:lol: Well, atleast you get to see the recap from last week and get caught up to date! Next week should be interesting:)
did anyone say 24??
ohh Jack Bauer :rolleyes: sweet ... :D .

Well i'm just waiting for spongebob to be done so i can watch my show without any crying :p
Let's not muddy this thread with 24 :rolleyes:. :)

OK - I'm so excited about the pilot/Terry found the idol out on exile island. I'm hoping he covered his tracks a bit, so the next person doesn't see the nice hole dug under the tree. I'm thinking that if LaMina wins the next reward challenge they will send Bruce back to Exile Island, which means he'll figure out Terry has the idol....because they are the only two that have been out there and not eliminated.

I was bummed to see Ruth Marie go....I think they made a mistake in loyalty there. I guess we'll find out at the merge if it pays off....
The whole Exile island thing is kind of weird, I wonder if they will keep sending the leader of each team to the island every time? That would really bite for the people who have to keep going back there. All Terry would have to do it put that rock back in place then the next downpour will cover all the tracks.
It will be interesting to see how they send people there after the merge.
I just wonder how the one tribe that is filtering the water with t-shirts is going to fare? Your really not supposed to do that, they need to be boiling that water.
i couldn't watch to much because of Antonio's spongebob :doubt:.
Wasn't the girl that left the one that dropped the fishing sphere?
Ok, I am frustrated again. What did I miss? Wife was watching American Idol. My son had the other TV. I did not have the heart to bump him since I told him after he did his chores and homework he could watch TV(insert foot here). I missed it all.
Ok, I am frustrated again. What did I miss? Wife was watching American Idol. My son had the other TV. I did not have the heart to bump him since I told him after he did his chores and homework he could watch TV(insert foot here). I missed it all.

ohh dood well the last part was the best, they had a Bikini contest and muscle showing :lol: .... just messing with you Ed :lol:
I heard rumor that this will be the last survivor, can anyone conform?

No man...They are doing the next one here and I'm on it!(LOL) I don't know...I hope they do another one. They should do it next time where there is no reward challenge. Just drop them off and see who is still living after 30 days:lol:
Yeah Buddy!!!

:D I got a tape of last nights Survivor...:D So if there is mud wrestling, I am gonna see it:D
I got a tape of last nights Survivor... So if there is mud wrestling, I am gonna see it

LMAO! I hope you didn't pay for it! The only mud you will see is when they are asleep and it rains:lol:
it was cheap..

What, no mud wrestling?....:cry:

I had my cell phone ring changed to a loud sneeze. That way, not only do I not offend those around me, they actually bless me whenever anyone calls.
What, no mud wrestling?....

I had my cell phone ring changed to a loud sneeze. That way, not only do I not offend those around me, they actually bless me whenever anyone calls.

LOL...That's a good one:lol:
I have this dog. Its dying for attention. I told it I wanted a tape of Survivor. Wha La.....see what happened?
I have this dog. Its dying for attention. I told it I wanted a tape of Survivor. Wha La.....see what happened?

ROFLMAO!! Now tell him go fetch you some shoes cause you ain't on survivor:lol)
well Krish if you ever go on Survivor, i'll vote for you dood :D.
I think it'd be hilarious to see you there (as long as you promise to leave some cloths on, not like some guy that did it all natural)
Ed, poor dog dood give him a steak and a little hug.