The 240 is finally starting!!!!!

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

Help Support Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum: has been a while since i have updated on this. It seems that i have been busier than ever. Anyways, i have changed a few things, and i am slowly (very slowly) changing my tank over to sps dominated with just a few zoas, lps or something. The shark is doing awsome, and comes out every morning and night to make a few laps (and to see if i am feeding him :p). My niger trigger jumped out just the other day, wich is was kind of a shock...but i guess that happens. I purchased a queen angel in may and so far hasnt been to bad with picking at things as long as i keep him (her) well feed.

That is all i can think of for right now, i will try to get some more pictures up later :)



Okay, since it has been so long, I guess I will post a few quick ones for the night. Alot has changed mechanically, and the 240 is becoming closer and closer to the dream sps tank I have always longed for. I added a 100gal to the system a few months ago, to make the softy tank, so that when I could still have the filteration they provide. I have been taking a peice of soft coral or LPS out every time I get a new sps...That way the big tank doesn't have that empty feel to it :p. Quick I know, but kind of tired right now and frusterated that my camera doesn't take as good as pictures as it used to (excuse for a new one, right?)









Thanks for looking :)

It is a type of Fiji Leather that I got from mike bell when he took down the 180gal. Check out post #164 and see the growth.


(If we ever make it to the same event, I will surely bring a finger of it for you :))
It is a type of Fiji Leather that I got from mike bell when he took down the 180gal. Check out post #164 and see the growth.


(If we ever make it to the same event, I will surely bring a finger of it for you :))

I will hold you to that, but only if I can make a swap
I got a 4" piece of that leather from MIKE BELL also!
Very cool piece!

Cool, deffinently keep up the pics as it grows...I would have never thought mine would have reached this size :p

