We are back in business. Finally received all my new router bits to replace the damaged Rockler bits. Of course I am still awaiting the Rockler Unconditional Guaranteed 3 flute -1/2" Shank -1/2" cutter router bit to come in, but we can do without for now.
I see that even in the woodworking industry the quality of the tools is BIG. Just as I have Snap-On tools for my day to day work and only buy Crapsman tools for the tools I use less often (yes even at home). I shall be buying Whiteside router bits for my go to most used bits and stick with Rockler or CMT for those bits that are used less frequently.
Oh and I should also mention that when buying router bits from Amana, Rockler, CMT, Freud and Whiteside I have not seen much as far as higher pricing between the different ones. Which is nice, considering I am so use to Snaop-On versus Crapsman pricing. *lol*