The Class Act Aquarium Stand

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THx Peppie. Yeah I really need to start investing in some nice handsaws. I've been eyeing some of the nicer Japanese ones for awhile now. I probably did make the canopy a little taller than necessary, but I was going by the height of the stand, tank and then figured the height off those two. Also the lights have a lot of height ajustments that can be done with the canopy at 14" overall height. :D

Oh yes, LIGHT CHECK!!!

No light spilling out into the room via the front or leftside of the canopy. :D Just one minor adjustment on the backside to allow the halide fixtures to sit properly along with some top vents and we are off for sanding and paint/finish. Stay tuned for more shop shots later this week.


Shop Shots for Tuesday November 1st. :D

Back in the shop today after a long weekend building a Halloween project for the Spousal Units work party. She took second place, not to shabby. Anyways, back to reef building and shop shots.


1st Photo: Shows the initial slots routed out of the canopy that will provide ventilation. This design is based on the theroy that hot air rises and colder dense air will push the hot air up. Warm air has a lower density than cool air, so warm air will rise within the cooler air similar to that of a hot air ballon. Sorry for the physics lesson. :lol:

2nd and 3rd Photo: Show all slots routed in the canopy. Final air check performed and WOW a lot of cool air being forced out of all those vents.

4th Photo: Time to put a little Icing on this canopy. Actually it's a sweet polyester finishing putty which is super easy to work with and much easier to sand than Bondo.




I would have never thought to use a piece of paper to show the air flow.. NICCCCCCEEEE

IMO you need some type of raised carving on the face to create the illusion of a shorter hood. LOL
Very nice indeed Alex, but 28 pages and still not wet :confused: On the other hand I plan to have my tank wet by page 24 :D

Chhers, Todd

*lol* I think I go into way to much detail on the build process and too many photos too, thus the lengthy page count. I guess I will probably have to break this build up into a couple of different threads. :lol:

Shop Shots for Tuesday...

Primed and ready :D As you can see in the second photo I had the realization that I had not cutout an area for the return plumbing to come in at, thus the new cutout in the backside of the canopy. :D

And I hear ya Peppie. I will have the spousal unit looking for a nice wood carving that will fit the front of the canopy soon. I may come up with my own and scroll it out. It is looking hopeful that the canopy will have complete color within the next couple of weeks. :lol:



*lol* I think I go into way to much detail on the build process and too many photos too, thus the lengthy page count. I guess I will probably have to break this build up into a couple of different threads. :lol:


Dont break it up now. Your on the down hills side. You should be able to finish up the build in about another 20 pages. LOL
wow!!very very nice build,,i wish i still have sps for trade for the work .:frown:

THx for the kind words. It has taken some time for this project, but it is coming out better than I ever expected.

Dont break it up now. Your on the down hills side. You should be able to finish up the build in about another 20 pages. LOL

:lol: No, No, No... I'd say maybe another 17 pages. Oh wait, that's just until it gets wet. :D

Sorry for the delay in updates. With the holiday's upon us and the colder months, kind of spendy to heat the shop in the winter if only for an hour of work. Had PSE replace my gas meter a couple of weeks ago becaue I thought maybe my meter was bad. :lol:

I've been having to work on the canopy when time and spousal unit allows me to. This way I only have to heat the shop up once. *lol* Here's a couple of more recent photos of the canopy paint job. Paint is done, piano hinge is installed (works awesome) and I have the exterior finish sanded and ready for stain. I am also working on a fan control circuit for the canopy and sump fans. More on taht in the next few weeks.

1st photo shows the inside of the canopy with the nice shiny white paint. This is the same boat paint that was used on the inside of the stand.

2nd photo shows the backside of the canopy with the nice shiny black paint job.



Sorry for the delay in updates. With the holiday's upon us and the colder months, kind of spendy to heat the shop in the winter if only for an hour of work. Had PSE replace my gas meter a couple of weeks ago becaue I thought maybe my meter was bad. :lol:

I've been having to work on the canopy when time and spousal unit allows me to. This way I only have to heat the shop up once. *lol* Here's a couple of more recent photos of the canopy paint job. Paint is done, piano hinge is installed (works awesome) and I have the exterior finish sanded and ready for stain. I am also working on a fan control circuit for the canopy and sump fans. More on taht in the next few weeks.

1st photo shows the inside of the canopy with the nice shiny white paint. This is the same boat paint that was used on the inside of the stand.

2nd photo shows the backside of the canopy with the nice shiny black paint job.




OHG The back looks like black Acrylic. Very nice for a part of the build no one sees!!!
Yah, just wait til you see the amazing fan grills he crafted installed. OK Alex, back to work now

Cheers, Todd
Update for the canopy build. Finally got the canopy all sanded down and smooth as a babies butt. So it was off to the stain and color on Monday. Here's a few shop shots from Moday. I put the first of many thin coats of the secret top coat poly/varnish on last night. Will be wetsanding in between as I did with the stand. These photos really do no justice to the canopy, the color is just so much better in person. :lol:




All 30 pages have been worth the wait... so far LOL

I was just wondering, what will you put on your bench after this build is finished?

Also what livestock is going to live in this beautiful house?

Will we see the 40 page mark????
Yes, I think we just might see the 40 page mark before this beast is done. Dang, I still cannot believe it is taking soooo long. Guess I have been to much of a perfectionist. Oh and what goes on the workbench next? I am actually thinking of a workshop overhaul. Been looking at buying a few new tools, Powermatic bandsaw and a Saw Stop cabinet saw, well worth the $$$ if I save a finger and the build is very, very nice on their cabinet saws for a 110V/230V. :lol:


Finally we have some more photos of the canopy after it has been completed. Bodywork, paint, stain, sealer, touch-ups and varnish blend are all done now. Now it is time to figuring out the frame and panel doors. I have faith that they will turn out better than I expect. Anyways, enough rambling from me....

On to the photos...



