The Sherman Tank (Photo Scrapbook)

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Awesome pics sherman by anychance do know if there is a way to change the amount of kb's in a pic i have pictures i want to display but all are over 600kb
Today's lot isn't really anything super special. I just needed some quick snap shots.

I picked up a new coral, the "Chips Acro."


A fellow reefer needed a comparison shot, and I wanted to scrapbook teh growth on my A. Hoeksemai.


And there was a recent discussion about the growth of the Idaho Grape (purple M. Undata), and I needed this shot to show how the coral has encrusted right over the top of an orange M. Digitata (you can still see one polyp showing from underneath, but his days are numbered). At the same time, I mentioned how the growth has come to an abrupt halt on the top side, where it's met the "Woolly Mammoth," an unidentified green stag with super polyp extension.

As a side note, those of you dealing with clam pinch, notice the Crocea in the background. It's been this way for 3 months. I still haven't found an answer.

Great shots. Your tank is very beautiful!

Been there with pinched mantle. I lost 2 clams to it, after attempting several different treatment methods.
Sherman, I don't know how I culd have missed this thread, my bad. Your photography is excellent, and you tank is great too. I just pruchased a used 300D and bought the same 100mm macro lense that you have. Would you have the time to answer some questions that I might have, down the road.
Again, sorry I missed this, your pics are beautiful.
NaH2O said:
Great shots. Your tank is very beautiful!

Been there with pinched mantle. I lost 2 clams to it, after attempting several different treatment methods.

Thank you so much for the compliment. Charlie, too! And Charlie, shoot me PM any time.

As for the clam, another reefer had 14 clams, all pinching. His started when he bought a clam out of the same tank and same time as this clam. It spread to all 14 clams. A few weeks later, he did an Interceptor and super heavy FlatWorm Exit dose, both at the same time. The pinching is gone, and has been for over a month. Every one of his clams looks wonderful.

So... I'm going to try this on a QT basis. I want to try each treatment individually, to see if it was either one. If not, I'll try them together. If that doesn't fix it, we'll call it coincidence. However, we're really hoping we're on to something here.
OK - I want a calendar made from your photos! More outstanding pics of corals, just amazing!
How 'bout one more? I decided to target feed the candy corals last night. I never actually do that, so this is the first time they've ever experienced such a bountiful night time feast.

I used a Mag-Lite incandescent flashlight, and set the camera's white balance to 2800K :). Manual focus, as it was too dark for the camera.

Those truly are incredible. I've been trying to get to that quality with my 20D and 24-70 lens, but its just not possible to get that kind of detail without much closer focus.

Keep posting!

These last few were taken with Canon's new 60mm f/2.8 EF-S macro. I don't like the lens as much as their famous 100mm macro, but it does the job.
Agreed. I've tested both as well as the 180mm macro and decided the 100mm Macro is really the way to go. Now to afford it along with all my other expensive hobbies. =)

FWIW, the 180mm is gorgeous at F4+, but wow what a pricetag!

Wow! I added a black backing to the tank recently, and this is the first time I've shot the tank since. I didn't even clean the glass, sorry. I'm really shocked about how the skimmer pre-filter completely disappeared into the black backing. This is great! I should have done this months ago!

I have to say that is an awesome photo, go clean the glass I gotta see if it gets any better lol :D
You keep a very beautiful reef Sherman, awesome, something to be very proud of.