The Sherman Tank (Photo Scrapbook)

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I now have to save up for a nice camera...

You are raising the bar too high!!!

Great shots
I haven't brought the camera out much lately, but there are enough new things in the tank that I decided it was time. Here are just a couple.

Ricordea cluster

"Crayola Table"

My newest inhabitant, an acro crab
I've fought with my candy corals for some time over where they'd like to be. Apparently, I finally found it. In the sand with decent flow and a monti cap overhead blocking direct light.

Here's the 3 heads about 6 months ago.

And here's 4 heads today, each ready to split.
Love the Rics!!!

Great photos! Awesome shot of the acro crab! The candy coral looks really good, too. What an improvement!
Here are a couple more. Again, the crayola table.


And more interesting, in the A. Hoeksemai, there are a couple of cool things going on. One, it's lit with a flash, turned down to -1 2/3 EV, to fill the shadows. Hmm.. it's brown in there. Second, notice the vertical branch fragment. This was originally the tip of a branch that was broken off, and fell into the coral, tip down. It's now growing in the opposite direction. Notice the switch in corallite direction, and the new tip, hiding behind another tip.

Wow! Amazing photos, as always! The way the broken tip is re-growing there is really cool! You can definately see at what point in the corallite growth, when they had to change direction.
Our club had a frag swap yesterday, so I picked up some new ones. Only two are in places where they can be decently photographed.

Tonga Shroom

Acananthastra Lordhowensis
I was recently asked for a new full tank shot. Here's from today. The new calcium reactor is working beautifully. Since the last full tank shot, I've added two T. Maximas, the Acan and others from the last post, and a foxface. Thos foxface wreaked total havoc on the bioload, and nitrates are just now coming under control. Many SPS lost some color, as nitrates spiked up at 25ppm.

Thanks everyone.

Dragonfly, I manually scrape all the glass with a Kent Pro-Scraper with the metal blade. Sometimes I use a razor blade for the real tight spots.
Sherman...You run a "sumpless" setup right? If so, very cool man. Nice to see how the tank looks without the use of a sump:)
LOL!! Krish... yeah those are corals ... so boring :lol: .
Sherman, your tank looks really kewl !! i love the pictures of the candy cane :D .
Yeah, sumpless, simple because I don't have a place for a sump. I want one so bad...!

My most recent "how am I going to do this" was with the DIY calcium reactor. Without a return pump, I had to find a way to get water from the tank into the reactor. It ended up being a Mag 1.9 powerhead, which rests inside the HOB filter with the carbon. I was able to use a combination of both the feed and return sides of the reactor's main circulation pump to move water through the reactor, but it took some tweaking. With this setup, I don't need to have the Mag running. It was only used to prime the reactor. Now, water just flows through it, and I can plug it in if something fails to restart the flow. I was lucky enough that the flow will even restart after a power outage, automatically. Maybe I should throw together a thread on my new reactor.

I'm kind of in the parts collection and planning phase of a tank upgrade. I can't wait for a sump so you won't see powerheads or heaters any more. Closed loop with the intake behind the rocks and output above trim level. However, I'm still trying to decide how I'm going to randomize flow out of that closed loop.

Anyway, you just got me started on two whole new topics. ;)
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hey shreman nice thread i was looking for sum awsome pics to drool over and man did u deliver the goods
like to see the six line a bit more but more importantly i run to tanks both sump less and wonder if u could take sum good picks of all the mechanics