very frustrated with my new 2 true percs

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So basically i only want to decrease it a little each day so i dont stress the fish?
Be sure to add the damsel before you start lowering the salinity. Treat all the fish at the same time or you will be adding 6 weeks to the proceedure
Which is why i'm waiting till's going to be extremely hard to catch the damsel
The rock can be placed into a bucket with or without water to clear the display enough to catch the fish. You can put it back together at your leasure
Ok getting on the right track now :-D
removed all the crushed coral from the QT tank...replaced about 12 Liters of water to get the salinity down to 1.019-1.020

I've provided links to what to read so you can learn the truth. Please do the reading. You seem to be on the right track from this latest posts. Some posts seem to be missing? :confused:
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Man...i'm on the verge of tearing up. Went downstairs and saw the one clownfish doing fine...the other is swimming almost on his side breathing very fast...what a horrible sight. And the damsel is very discolored with white on its back side

Be careful about relying too much on appearance. This parasite kills quickly. Whether the fish looks okay or not, it must be treated.
This one has seemed healthier since the swims normal and is reactive to me when i tap on glass to see how they's also been eating, unlike the other who has been hanging out in a tube i put in there and not eating at all swimming very slowly. I decided to raise the SG last night to about 1.023 cause that much of a leap was probably too bad for the fish
this really stinks though cause i really loved that fish and i also wanted a clown pair...maybe i'll get him a friend in a couple months...
That was a mistake to raise the salinity. You're not following instructions so we're not going to be much help to you in that case. :|
The higher the salinity, the more stress on the fish's biology. Hypo performs more than eliminating the parasite, it makes survival easier on the fish. It has to work less to clear out the excess salt from it's system and it increases it's appetite. All this was clearly noted in those links. If you don't do your homework, you fail the test. In this case, "the test" is the fish's health or basic survival.
Read up on the care and treatment of marine fish before buying more, Sorry for your loss.
no no no...what i meant was...last night it was at 1.026 and i replaced the water down to 1.019 but i saw the fish were stressed so i raised it to 1.023...and tonight i'll lower it down to 1.020, so each day i'll lower it .03

It is my understanding (from extensive research on hyposalinity treatment on this site) that you can lower the salinity quite rapidly (24 - 48 hours to take it from 1.025 to 1.009) It is raising the salinity after the treatment that must be done very gradually. I have done hypo treatment twice and both times lowered the salinity in 24-48 hours and it seemed to give the fish quick relief from the itching (they quit rubbing on things). When the treatment is finished (4 weeks after last spot is seen) I take 1 - 1 1/2 weeks to gradually raise the salinity back up to match the tank the fish will be moved into. I hope I am not stating anything wrong here, but I did a lot of research before I began this treatment the first time, and researched again the second time to make sure I was not forgetting anything. Keeping up on top offs for the QT is also important to ensure that you keep the salinity low enough to kill the parasite.

Like others have stated, read up on this parasite, understanding the life cycle helps you understand the treatment process. I have followed this thread since your first post and the links Leebca and others have provided contain great information, I read them even though I am getting pretty comfortable with this treatment. Also use the search feature on this forum and you can read about others experiences with treating for ich. You cannot read/learn to much in this hobby.
That's what im saying...i lowered it from 1.026-1.018 in about 2 minutes, not 24-48 hours which is why i had to raise it a little.