very frustrated with my new 2 true percs

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I'm not doubting anyone's information just for the record, i just felt that a .07-.08 drop in 2 minutes was just a bit too much...agreed?
It probably was a bit much, but the stress of raising it back up rapidly concerned me when I saw this post. I think the fish probably would have been OK with the rapid drop (after all a FW dip is often used to treat for some problems and you are taking that fish from saltwater to freshwater in one move).

Hopefully your fish are all in hypo now and are getting some relief.
Yeah, I did another water change this's now between 1.019-1.018
""You want to get your salinity down to 1.020 by the end of the day tomorrow. NOT all at once""
The remaining clownfish seems to be doing ok...the damsel is prolly still in shock from getting moved lol
Here's some pictures of my clown, damsel, and QT tank as of a few min ago...sorry the pics are blurry the camera is not the greatest
Don't bother him now, but better off bare bottom in a QT tank. Need to add some PVC pipe parts or other plastic things like perhaps cottage cheese containers to give them hiding places. Have you yet read those instruction write-ups on how to QT and perform Hypo-salinity?
I put that tube in there for em...hasn't really been in there much but yeah I've gotten the salinity down to 1.019-1.018 from last nights 1.023...i removed 4 inches of CC that i had in there and only a little remains (in the pic)
I've realized from you guys and the LFS that the outer mucous layer is like their immune system so I picked up some StressCoat to help build that back up yesterday.
3rd day of treatment and has SG has been brought down a total of .08 (1.026-1.018)
food soaked in garlic and vitamins will help their immune system. . .[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]


Some vitamins do have a positive impact on fish immune systems, but to be clear, you don't want to include garlic in that same thought. Garlic (extract, juice, or pieces) has never been shown to improve or positively impact the fish's immune system. You may find this an interesting read:
Thanks...sorry for the intial frustration just very...cautious and ask alot of questions is what im good at :rolleyes:...after tonight it should be down to 1.013
It's at 1.016 right now...lmao went to talk to the LFS guy and he tells me lowering salinity to 11 PPT is too stressful for the fish """
So is there anything else to do but wait now? By the way got my heater working and the water is a nice 79 degrees :D I hope you guys have a new attitude towards me (not being disrespectful, but I noticed you all felt that I wasn't listening before when really I was just a little overzealous...I mean come on i've only been in the hobby 1 month and im 16 so i'm doin pretty good so far) , i've lowered the salinity to 1.016 at the moment and tonight will be 1.013 so it's getting there :cool:
joker577 - just hang in there and be patient...

While you are being patient, have a look around the resource library at some of the articles :D. The more knowledge you have, the more successful your tank will be.....and you'll likely save a bunch of money, too :)