maxx said:Wow.....
Hey Miss Manners, did you think about how this might be taken?
'Cause this sounds pretty rude to me.
spongebob lover said:Evolutionaquatics ..yuuhhhuu !! take it off !! LOL
well if we are gonna talk about being fat, what should i say i gained almost 60 pounds when i was pregnant and now i'm still trying to loose all the fat . your wife is very pretty .
Hey Jiddy, that fish looks ready to get eaten with butter .
NaH2O said:Scott - my little one wants to know why your daughter is in the dryer, and she also wants to know if her toys were wet. LOL - gotta love kids
mojoreef said:Easy Gabreila easy. Some how I get the picture of you sitting in front of the computor with a fist full of dollar bills rofl
spongebob lover said:OHHH !!! your daugter is so cute !!!
and ya talk about food, i have problems too, i always have to watch what i eat because i gain weight to fast but it takes me forever to loose it all.
that's why since i was a little girl i always had to do something, first i used to dance mexican folk, then i went into aerobics, then boxing ( i never fought though) and now i just run , so hopefully i'll be back in shape some day .
Here are some pics, the first one is my cousin's girlfriend holding my son and me, the other one is just my little "angel" .
LOL Mike you always make me laugh dood