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Wow did you put thast one in your tank???

There's a guy here in dallas that has like a 600 gallon bass tank. That's TX rednecks fer 'ya
Hey now, there's nothing wrong with being a redneck; there's plenty of us on here I think. I used to keep Perch, Trout, Bass and Crawdads in large aquariums when I was a kid.

Here I am before I had a little one 19 months ago.


I replaced the other pic. Family site :D hehe.
Here is me with my daughter, a while back

And here is my wife.

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maxx said:
Hey Miss Manners, did you think about how this might be taken?
'Cause this sounds pretty rude to me.

Hey guys,

No offense taken, though I do thank Wilds for the edit. :eek2:

Good lookin' out Nick, thank you.

And for the record, I did snag her right as she came out of high school. :rolleyes: I dated her for two years giving her every opportunity to run! :p And yup, she started summer quarter in college two weeks after her graduation from High School. (We did wait a whole year after we got married before deciding to have kids!)
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Evolutionaquatics ..yuuhhhuu !! take it off !! LOL
well if we are gonna talk about being fat, what should i say i gained almost 60 pounds when i was pregnant and now i'm still trying to loose all the fat :D. your wife is very pretty :) .
Hey Jiddy, that fish looks ready to get eaten with butter :p .
spongebob lover said:
Evolutionaquatics ..yuuhhhuu !! take it off !! LOL
well if we are gonna talk about being fat, what should i say i gained almost 60 pounds when i was pregnant and now i'm still trying to loose all the fat :D. your wife is very pretty :) .
Hey Jiddy, that fish looks ready to get eaten with butter :p .

hehe... Thank you for the compliments. I posted it b/c I needed inspiration, b/c if I don't see that pic, I am content with being heavy. I am in the process of getting back down, I have already lost 40 lbs, another 60 and I am there :D. I look to have it all gone no later then December. I was a Division 1 college athlete so losing weight has always been part of my life. I enjoy food too much lol.

My wife gained about 18lbs when she had our little one 19 months ago, she lost it all plus 7lbs. It kills me b/c she can eat whatever she wants and lose weight.. Damn all people like her! :D hehe..

Here is my little one, she is now 19 months old. She is going to be skinny like her mommy, thankfully she didn't take after me lol.



p.s. I just found this pic on my cell phone hehe.. She just learned a new OCTAVE.. I like to call it EAR Piercing!
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Scott - my little one wants to know why your daughter is in the dryer, and she also wants to know if her toys were wet. LOL - gotta love kids :)
Easy Gabreila easy. Some how I get the picture of you sitting in front of the computor with a fist full of dollar bills rofl :eek: :D

OHHH !!! your daugter is so cute !!!
and ya talk about food, i have problems too, i always have to watch what i eat because i gain weight to fast but it takes me forever to loose it all.
that's why since i was a little girl i always had to do something, first i used to dance mexican folk, then i went into aerobics, then boxing ( i never fought though) and now i just run :oops:, so hopefully i'll be back in shape some day :) .
Here are some pics, the first one is my cousin's girlfriend holding my son and me, the other one is just my little "angel" :p .
LOL Mike you always make me laugh dood
NaH2O said:
Scott - my little one wants to know why your daughter is in the dryer, and she also wants to know if her toys were wet. LOL - gotta love kids :)

haha... She helps out mommy with the laundry, so she decided to just get in, she knows not to play in there unless we are there with her. She is WAY!!!! to smart for her own good.. Another thing she got from her mom, thankfully!
And I will have to say you are more then correct, she says things out of the blue that make you LOL and she looks at you like why are you laughing, its so funny.. She is now at the stage of saying out of the blue "daddy I love you!"
Talk about making a 6'1" 260 lb guy almost cry, the first time I almost did, it was so neat :D.

mojoreef said:
Easy Gabreila easy. Some how I get the picture of you sitting in front of the computor with a fist full of dollar bills rofl :eek: :D


Don't take away my minute of glory, I haven't heard a woman say those things in such a long time LOL!... :D (wife doesn't count, she has to say those things lol)

spongebob lover said:
OHHH !!! your daugter is so cute !!!
and ya talk about food, i have problems too, i always have to watch what i eat because i gain weight to fast but it takes me forever to loose it all.
that's why since i was a little girl i always had to do something, first i used to dance mexican folk, then i went into aerobics, then boxing ( i never fought though) and now i just run :oops:, so hopefully i'll be back in shape some day :) .
Here are some pics, the first one is my cousin's girlfriend holding my son and me, the other one is just my little "angel" :p .
LOL Mike you always make me laugh dood

Thank you very much :D she is something else I will tell you that :D.

I thought you said fat? All I see is 2 very skinny pretty women? Thanks for making me fell much fatter lol. If that is fat I would hate to see skinny. You have a handsome little guy yourself. I love that pic of him holding up that he is "number 1"
I was laughing because she looks like she is graduating HS and has those two kids oh her hip. LOL
lol ohhh thanks dood !! and no you are not fat trust me on that one ;) .
the same here, my husband doesn't count when he says that i'm skinny :D and ya it's always good to hear it from someone else.
lol !! i tell you.. my kid is something, we live in a third floor apartment and he always trows food out of our window LOL
He looks like a little angel, but he knows how to drive me crazy :D
OHH Colleen thanks :) !!!
you know i miss seeing you, you should come over to my house and see my tank next time.
How are your baby clarkiis doing (the ones with the blue eyes i believe)?
I'd love to come see your tank Gabriella but I'm soooo afraid of worms... LOL

I dont have the babies yet; maybe I'll get them this weekend if Elmo is available and you can come see them when they are settled... :)
ya i have been looking and so far i have 1- flatworms, 2- 1 bristle worm, 3- 1 peanut worm, 1- i believe its a tuve worm, so ya it's worm season all the time in my tank :D.
About the Clarkiis, you know i always love to see your tanks :)
Here's some new ones for the Sharks. :)
Thats me and my girlfriend(yosemite) and the other one's are our kids, or at least they act like it.