wierdness with RODI -need help

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class clown

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2005
Bothell, WA
K - It is totally weird if I don't have any waste water coming from my RODI unit right?

Here is the scoop:
  • I took it out of storage after about 1 yr of non-use
  • I added 3 new filters. (I did not replace the TFC membrane b/c I didn't haveit on hand and it is like $79 to buy a new one)
  • I hooked it up the main line of my house (1 inch pipe) for more pressure hoping I'd get more water, but which didn't end up doing anything.

Now, I get 002 TDS readings, but no waste water and literally not much water at all..

Just drip --- (wait) 1 1000, 2 1000 -- drip -- (wait) 1 1000, 2 1000 ---drip --- etc.

Yeah same system used before at a different house. Never had that much luck with it producing lots of fresh RODI water, it seemed like it produced a good amount of waste water before.. No waste water now though.. non at all.
Sittting for new year trash it. The membrane is shoot and some water is making it through the RO. If you had a pressure gauge you would see that. You can not just store a membrane unless it is done so properly to prevent fouling and break down.
make sure nothing is clogged, and also make sure you turned on the water valve..i have done that before!! i am no expert by any means, but maybe the RO membrane being wet and then dry for a year clogged it or messed it up:confused: :confused: ..
darnit- not what I wanted to hear folks.. K thanks for the advice though. I may also reach out to the manufacturers aqua-clear.net to try to get an actual diagnosis. That whole membrane storage for a year thing sounds like it might be the culprit.
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You may want to search on E-bay for another membrane. Just do a search on "RO Membrane"... and several come up. I would stick with the Filmtec 75gpd units myself ($31.95)... but there are several to choose from out there.
Yeah same system used before at a different house. Never had that much luck with it producing lots of fresh RODI water, it seemed like it produced a good amount of waste water before.. No waste water now though.. non at all.

sounds like water pressure to me. Did you store the ro wet or dry? If the ro membrane is shot you would either get a lot of waste water and no filter water or vice versa depending on whether or not it was clogged or water was passing through. The fact you are getting neither in a great amount makes me think water pressure get a pressure gauge and take the pressure of the house water.

I would start there if it where me.
If the ro membrane is shot you would either get a lot of waste water and no filter water or vice versa depending on whether or not it was clogged or water was passing through. The fact you are getting neither in a great amount makes me think water pressure get a pressure gauge and take the pressure of the house water.

I would start there if it where me.

If the permeate collection area of the menbrane is plugged with dried / hardened solids there will be no output on either side of the membrane. This is why you dont store a membrane dry.

Last ditch effort before you go buy another membrane - soak the membrane in H202, then flush it out with water... if it works, run it for a few hours before you start saving any of the product water - and be sure to check out the uS of the product before you use it to make sure the membrane doesn't leak...

I've resurected a couple of membranes that I was sure were toast... gave me 6-12 months more useage before they were finally trash.

- Jeff
Just connect it dorectly to the supply (without the RO installed). Most supplies in my area are around 60PSI. You can get a guage cheap at home depot.

I couldn't find one on the HD site, but it lookse like this and has a F-hose connector on it. Most likely your outside faucets are the same pressure as your whole hose so just screw it to a spigiot and turn it on.


- Jeff
Yeah I was really referring to those inline meters that some of the RO units come with. Thought you could use them to gauge how "plugged up" your membrane is getting. Seems in that case you'd want to hook them into the tubing right after the RO membrane.
Based on my assumtions - a guage like this would only work if it were on the pressure side of the RO (which would be the same as having it hooked up to the outside spigiot).

The RO unit works on differential pressure between the supply, the drain and the product. Backing up the drain with a pressure guage would cause a lot of strain on the membrane. Water is designed to flow across the membrane to create the osmotic-effect - block this off/slow down this flow and problems could occur.

- Jeff
You can get a pressure gauge from the filter guys for $9 with the t fitting and all. You do not have to disconnect the rodi. With the rodi running you should have about 60psi. You can put a second gauge on the membrane to check its pressure and or its output before the restrictor the gauge will not effect the membrane or the pressur in any way. Just depends on the problem your trying to diagnose.

A pressure gauge will work on either side of RO or a drain. A pressure gauge causes no change in flow or cause a strain. In short as the water goes past the gauge it pushes up on a piston which rises, which moves the needle to x psi. Pressure is a function of density, cross sectional area and velocity ( and if you want gravity). And a pressure gauge will not change any of these.

And the inline-meters he is talking about are not pressure gauges but resistivity meters that measure Ohms.

I see you have it Don also ;)
thanks to everyone for the replies - good discussion, good discussion..

Ok - I remember about 2-3 months ago I checked the water pressure and it is right at 60PSI.. In fact, I looked back on an old post I had when I was installing a deck & irrigation system and confirmed.. Yep.. indeed...It's right around 60 PSI.

Unfortunately, I didn't know about the whole storing wet thing. I left it in hooked up to the main line, but basically didn't run it at all. When I opened the TFC membrane chamber, some water came out, so it wasn't completely dry at least..

Ok - so here's what I'm going to try.. I'm going to discect the bugger piece by piece & make sure I don't have any clogs. If I can't find any clogs, I'll need a plan B which sounds like I need a new membrane & a booster pump.
OK --I totally took apart the RODI system.. took out the membrane, took out all the hoses, etc & found this thing shoved into the begeinning of the waste water pipe...what the heck is it?

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What is it? well, I don't know, but I do know it looks like I green plug with a tiny, tiny hose running through it. And the tiny, tiny hose was totally totally plugged up the end and woudln't allow any waste water or air to escape. Has anyone seen one of these before or know what it is for?

Anyways, moving on... I removed it, reassembled everything with out the hole plugged and turned it on and water literally comes pooring out now. Striaght flowing! I filled up a five gallon bucket in less than a couple minutes. But still nothing coming through the waste water pipe from what I could tell, although now the waste water line is unplugged. Hmm -- I don't get it? why would unplugging the waste water line allow water to flow out of my good water line at a rapid rate? pressure balances?? Do I need this plug? should I try to buy a new one?

so - In the excitement, I sort of dropped my TDS meter in the water (darnit). and now it is reading "666" So I'll need to wait till morning to find out what type of water I'm putting out and whether there is anythign coming out of the waste line

I'll continue to report as I find out anything new, but interested if any one can share any insight on what the green squiggly thing is for

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that is a flow restrictor and it's a vital part of the RO DI system. It's what is used to put pressure on the membrane and allows for the water to be 'purified' so to speak. Without it everything should flow out the waste line....


It's a 3.00 part...
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