You Know Your A Reefer when:

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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how bout this you know when your a reefer when you spent more money on your tank then your
So i guess you know your a reefer when you are so into reef tanks that you dont realize there is another meaning for reefer:D
I agree :D .

and when you can't sleep because you can't stop thinking about your new coral, so you get up even at 3 in the morning just to make sure it's fine :p.
You know your a reefer when...
You go and bump threads so they stay current and get a little more traffic.:D
lol Paul :D .
or when you make your husband drive you to pick up your coral even if he's so tired :p .

or when the husband gives you money to spend it on panties and clothes and instead you spend it on a coral or something for your tank :D
When you spend the weekend adding a larger pump to your closed loop, and spend monday at work worring about it.:D
...when your blender mush contains better quality food than you feed your family.
Or when you spend all day at crowded Winco shopping for food, standing in line for an hour, bagging your own groceries, getting out of the crowded parking lot, getting on the stand still freeway....then turning around and going back to do it all again because you forgot to buy the pack of dried Nori because they have the best deal on the biggest pack ....:oops: :D
when it doesnt bother your conscience to turn off sponge bob and turn on the science, or discovery chanel cuz theres a show about coral reefs.:D
or when you have to send the kids to bed because there making so much noise that you cant watch the coral documentory
what??? when? how??
what do you mean a documentary in discovery channel?... darn it why do i always miss these things.

well the spongebob part i can't stop it because my kid crys if i change it and then i feel bad.
When you can afford a new tank and lighting system but not a wedding ring.She seems realy mad ....LOL....It's just real hard to save money....
Got a new MINER grade head lamp for my night watching.She say's I am crazyyyyy...:lol: IT's not a addiction its a hobby. (but your wallet is alway's empty ) SO...:oops:
tell her that marriage is about love, not about a wedding band :D.
tell her that instead you can buy her a nano tank ;).
HA HA ....I don't think she will fly with that ....Beside's a nano would be kind of hard to carry around all day on your hand...I could see her now showing her freind that ....LOL .. ( Oh sabrina that nano ricky got u is sooo beautiful i hope ron gt's me one ) What dew u think spongebob...?
i still think it sounds good :lol: it'd be like the new hip thing.
or since you want her to carry it around, you can just make her a belt out of hmm may be plastic tuve (very thick) and fill it up with water and put a beta or goldfish in there... that way she'lll get the attention :D and all her friends would be jelous because you took the time to do the belt for her ;) :D and just say honey it was made out of love