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  1. ReefferMan

    Just venting - crashed tank

    THat sucks Bro, i had a simular situation when my rio powerhead blew up in my it was like the exon valdes....It killed everything! i was lucky to still have a few fish....Swimming on there sides or upside down, my sailfin was like hyper ventilating he was pale white and...
  2. ReefferMan

    Coral wars...

    This hobie is an everlasting science Sps do this to other sps as well. Mature colonies Vs new Strangers!
  3. ReefferMan

    High calcium???

    Very Interesting Boom Boom... So the saying that a Kalk Reac helps your Ca Reac isnt totaly false but only So what im getting out of this is about 20% Ca out of dosing with kalk? im just happy that my tank is at 410 Ca, and 8.8Dkh as of Thats a tough feat...
  4. ReefferMan

    looking for alittle help in spokane

    What do you need help with? maybe i could be of some assistance.
  5. ReefferMan

    cloudy water

    over feeding will raise up your nitrates but shouldnt make the tank cloudy like that..
  6. ReefferMan

    High calcium???

    This is very interesting, i didnt know that dosing buffer would raise the CA. Ive seen reverse of that, when i buff my tank my ca goes down and vs versa. I dont use kalk or baking soda just the stuff made for reefs n such....turbo CA and super buffer by kent. One question i havent seen yet is...
  7. ReefferMan

    biocube 29 nitrates

    Nitrates are bad for all inhabitance in a tank. Nitrates = Stress. Any thing over 20PPM is really bad, try and get down to 0.
  8. ReefferMan

    Newb Acro SPS question

    That makes perfect sense Kevin, ITs the Circle of Long live the Reef
  9. ReefferMan

    Lighting XM Bulbs

    I use the same bulbs as Dang, I love the look of 20K, Mine are SE using HQI. XM bulbs are great quality.
  10. ReefferMan

    Connection issues???

    Yup! Theres some issues here! Some maybe user errors? insecurity...lack of intra-juice~~ zzoomm.... Or its a IntraNet Buggg....Hmmmmm Maybe everyone in the World LoVes REEFFRONTIERS and must Get More..... Na. I DOnt Have ANy
  11. ReefferMan

    biocube 29 nitrates

    RoDi Water? Loose the balls....Nitrate makers there... maybe put Carbon filters in place of the balls. Definatly do a wc with Perfect water..10-15Gs would do. Happy reeffing.
  12. ReefferMan

    RTN question

    Dip it, and QT to see what it does, unfortunatly most people dont have a qt so dip and put it in the display....
  13. ReefferMan

    ORA Hawkins Echinata - XLG Colony

    Makes me want to put my piece into the big tank! I think ill acclimate it now! Man thats an awsome colonie....Nice...
  14. ReefferMan

    Newb Acro SPS question

    Roscoe is correct, its like tanning in the sun, your bottom half will be lighter colored.
  15. ReefferMan

    looking for an ID

    Nice looking Coral nun-the-less..... the new growth looks like the pearlberry, prob same family or place in the ocean..
  16. ReefferMan

    Our Acan Collection

    Do you dose to get your tank ca and kh up so far? you must! lol what sea salt do you use? Thanks.
  17. ReefferMan

    Top-off Controller Question

    Most of those pumps run real low voltage so you should be fine....Check though first. Then check the amp rating on the controller.
  18. ReefferMan

    two metal halide bulbs?

    It will double your par... Per having just one now.. i would agree that one 250 mh would do the work of 2 175's. Just a matter of opinion though.... how hot is your tank running with just one 175? That would be my concern.. happy Reeffing
  19. ReefferMan

    Neptune Aqua controller 2 problems

    I had the same thing happen to me with my temp.....power surge for sure. I never found a fix for it, i even tryed using a diff probe with the same results. Well then my cat dunked my controller in skimate a few days later so i bought a new unit...Dam cats.
  20. ReefferMan

    Removing a BTA from live rock

    i Used a maxi 1200, after a few mins it poped off...... Good luck