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  1. Alpental

    seio powerheads ?

    mmkeeper is right. You can adjust the flow by opening or closing the inlet slits. Or as mmkeeper put it, by turning the inlet baffle. I had no idea what baffle meant until just now. The blue knob is to control air intake for a venturi. I'm sure it will probably affects the flow as well.
  2. Alpental

    Aqua C Remora Skimmer Problem- HELP

    Hey everybody. I’m having a problem with my Aqua C Remora Pro Protein Skimmer and I’m hoping one of you has had a similar experience or can give me some advice. This is a pretty involved story but I would appreciate anybody’s help. I don’t know what to do. I bought this skimmer...
  3. Alpental

    New pics of my 75.

    Nice Tank! I'm thinking about getting sixline. How's he doing in your tank? Is he bothering anybody?
  4. Alpental

    Yellow Tang or Six Line?

    Thanks for the responses. I was kind of figuring that a full grown Tang wouldn't be comfortable in my 55 corner. However, people have told me that they 've bought baby tangs that even after a couple years stayed modestly sized in a large tank. I was hoping I might get lucky and get one of...
  5. Alpental

    Yellow Tang or Six Line?

    Okay, this is a pretty general question. What are people’s experiences with Yellow Tangs and Six Line Wrasses? I’m trying to decide which will be the new addition. I have a 55 gallon corner with a Common Clown, Coral Beauty, and a Blue Yellow Tail Damsel. Also I have an Emerald Crab...
  6. Alpental

    Seattle weather in August

    Hmmmmm I wouldn't worry about it too much. Sure, global warming bla bla bla. I think people forget that Washington does in fact get hot and dry during the summer. It lasts about 2 months and than goes back to being rainy and mild. Although, it is weird to see my tank hit 84 degrees. Global...
  7. Alpental

    temp question ez one

    Yes, just like air, when water heats it expands and rises. When it cools, it condenses and sinks. There is one weird exception to this rule with H20: when it freezes it expands again... that's why ice floats. Anyway, all of this should have no effect in your tank because the water is...
  8. Alpental

    best tank photo contest!!

    Thanks morgan, I only have three in there currently. Coral Beauty, Blue yellow tail damsel, common clown. I wanted to add another fish or two any suggestions? A couple options I was considering: yellow tang- might get too big, 6 line wrasse- heard it can eat eat shrimp and crabs, goby- I...
  9. Alpental

    best tank photo contest!!

    My Turn Okay, here is mine. It’s a 55 corner. I just got into reef keeping about 3 months ago; so far so good. I know I have a long way to go but I have put so much work into this little chunk of glass already that I figure I should show it off. The picture is not the best. [/URL][/IMG]
  10. Alpental

    help with my new xenia

    No worries I just bought some Red Sea Xenia and they really didn't start pulsing for about 3-4 days. When I initially placed them in the tank only a few pulsed rarely. Then completely stopped for like 3 days. Now it’s been a little over a week and they are pulsing like crazy. As long as...
  11. Alpental

    How Do I Repost Old Threads?

    Hey, Stupid Question; I know I'm missing something right under my nose. How do I repost old threads? I see people reposting threads which include everyone's original replies. What I am not seeing? Thanks
  12. Alpental

    light bulb

    I just bought a 175w Hamilton 14K and I love it over the old 10K. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
  13. Alpental

    alright experts I need a good idea

    Hose + Powerhead = Happy
  14. Alpental

    2 sixline wrasse

    Related Question Related Question: What do you guys think about keeping a 6 line wrasse in a mixed community? I have a Coral Beauty, Common Clown, and blue yellow tail damsel that have been together in a 55 gal corner tank for about 3 years; no problems. I was thinking that I would throw in a...
  15. Alpental

    Pigmy Angels in reef tank?

    Coral Beauty I have a Coral Beauty in my 55 gallon with soft corals, LPS, SPS and he doesn't bother any of them. He likes to graze on algae... that's about it.
  16. Alpental

    remora question

    Me too I'm having the same problem. I bought an aqua c remora pro with the mag 3 and it's been running about 2 weeks now. Although, there are fewer bubbles then there were initially I'm starting to get worried that the micro bubbles won't stop.
  17. Alpental

    Help: New MH Bulb- Avoiding light shock

    Looks good It's been a couple of days and so far so good. Everything looks happy. I did shorten the photo period from about 10 hours to 4 hours. I will increase by an hour everyday. Thanks for the input so far.
  18. Alpental

    Help: New MH Bulb- Avoiding light shock

    Hey everybody, I'm new to reef keeping. I've kept all kinds of fresh water tanks but I became bored with them. So here I am. Here is the question. The tank I have is an established 55 Gallon corner tank (4 years old) and the coral inhabitants include- Big Ol Colt Coral about 2 years old...
  19. Alpental

    Newbie Lighting Pro's and Con's

    Lights What part of Western Australia? I lived in Sydney for a little while and I had a good friend who lived in Perth who I visited out there. I’m new to Reef keeping as well but I did a fair amount of research and I’ve seen a bunch of successful set-ups. You can take my advise...