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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. W

    Brineless in seattle

    Thanks for all of your help everyone... looks like I will be ordering from in florida... one more time at least. Hopefully the little ponies will take to the frozen soon.
  2. W

    Brineless in seattle

    Anyone know where to by live brineshrimp in the everett to seattle area? ...yes I know I can hatch my own ;)
  3. W

    need id

    I had something just like that once... it was a deep red. I grew overnight to about that size... then grew slowly for a couple days... then went away. It seemed like either the hermits or the snails got it. I have not seen it since.
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    I got seahorses/help

    Congrats on your horses... make sure your don't ride them until they are big enough ;)
  5. W


    Anybody know where to buy 5+ gallon fish bowl? (must be drum type with flat sides) Bigger would be even better... I have heard of 12 gallon glass drum bowls too. If you have a link or know of a store in washington state... please PM me. Needed for "kreisel" system for seahorses. (The...
  6. W

    How Many Tanks Do You Have Set-up?

    In my classroom, at school, I have... 1x 150+ with 55 sump (setting up in a couple weeks) Salt 2x 55g 1x 37g 2x 29g 1x 25g 3x 10g Grow out for rotifers, brine and seahorses 1x 2g BB Seahorses 3x 1g BB Seahorses 8x .25g For Green Water Production If I clean it... I'll...
  7. W

    Help "Love Triangle" Clowns

    when The two clowns were puchased in october or so... they had already been together for at least few months or more in a private tank that was tore down. There was already a 2 to 1 size difference with those two. They seemed "paired" Then I came across 3 more clowns(about 4-5 months ago)...
  8. W

    Help "Love Triangle" Clowns

    I have 3 orange Oc. Clowns in a 29 with live rock... couple kenya trees... 12 hermits and 2 snails... obvious size difference between the clowns. One (the female?) is twice the size of the other 2. Today I came in and they are not all playing together... one of the smaller ones is off on his...
  9. W

    kenya tree coral w/ pc's

    I had kenya trees growing slowly in a 29 gal with 2 standard florecent tubes. But thriving and multiplying with 100+ watts of compact florecent. Good luck.
  10. W

    Help! New Dad 100 Sea Horses

    Update First of all I'd like to thank Wink publicly... she has been a source or inspiration, brine shrimp to get me going, rotifer starts, green water starts... and has helped with so many questions.... almost a hundred PM's! She has given so much. Thanks Vicky. :rolleyes: Here is the...
  11. W

    Scooties Project "X"

    Hey scooter... your pictures remind me of the time my dad built my brother a bed in the garage... cool bed... cabinets under and all that.... then tried to bring in in the house.... like 2 inches too wide no matter how he tried... tried windows and flipping it every which way. Finally had to...
  12. W

    New born brine shrimp

    green is good I hatch my brine shrimp in newly mixed salt water with some green water (even just a squirt of DT's), with the light on 24/7. After 36 hours I shut off the air bubbles... the bbs swim to the light... I get them with a turkey baster... and then strain and rinse them. I move...
  13. W

    Where to find seahorses?

    My adult c-horses only like the hikari brand as well.... but I sneak in a little spirolina enriched brine... they wont eat them alone... but mixed in with mysis they get a few. (I figure a little diversity in the diet may be benificial) Also... it seems when my male is preggers he eats what he...
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    Post True Percula photos, its age (in your care), and its host (if any)

    Does anyone have a line on a couple of good black percs? Stores that may have them north of Seattle... or people breading them in Washington?
  15. W

    Who scrapes?

    I scrape the front and sides only. Some of that is because I have notime. I like the look (and if I didn't.. I'd learn to if you know what I mean) lastly I can't get to back very easily.
  16. W

    Green Water Lighting

    Hello all Can I leave the light on the green water 24/7 ? or does the phyto need a night cylce? What type/watt of light do you use to grow yours? Any suggestions... recomendations or warnings? -Wingnut
  17. W

    Help! New Dad 100 Sea Horses

    No losses at 36 hours later... they are eating and look pretty good. -Wingnut
  18. W

    Help! New Dad 100 Sea Horses

    My last sourvivor from the first batch died monday. :( Vicky's bunch from my batch has faired much better.... sounds like she has had almost 10% survive or so! Male had another batch today. I have more confidence this time (and more supplies)... the green water is up and going.. the rots are...
  19. W

    Tank webcam

    Nice tank... nice image.. good job
  20. W

    Help! New Dad 100 Sea Horses

    Is there anyone around Lake Stevens with a good green water culture that they could give me a start of? I have a good amount of rotifers going but DTs is get'n spendy... is it cheaper to make your own green water? What do you feed the green water?