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  1. 3

    Looking for the best Refugium

    I would suggest just finding a used 40 gallon breeder or something along those lines. Silicone in a few baffles to create a pump compartment and a skimmer/inflow compartment. Refugiums are simply devices and I find that if you go DIY, you can save yourself a LOT of money and usually come up...
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    ajnweb's new Salona

    I too have seen this tank in person, and those pics of the dragonface are awesome! Those are such cool fish . . . awesome start you got going.
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    ORA photo reference site

    I agree, this is an awesome reference, as has been hinted, the ORA website itself leaves a lot to be desired.
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    What a horrible practice!!!

    It is very sad. However, we are one of the few cultures who truly value animals as companions. Look at what happens on Chinese fur farms (Warning, that link is VERY disturbing, probably worse than the sharkbait link). Animals here truly don't know how good they have it.
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    Is it possible to go skimmer less in a large system?

    Even if you assume that the DSB's will absorb all the foam, I still don't think that there is near enough coastline/sand for it to significantly impact the DOC content in the ocean. Think about just how much water there is in the ocean. There are plenty of examples of reefs without much in...
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    Is it possible to go skimmer less in a large system?

    I would actually argue that the foaming action on shorelines is insignificant relative to the volume of the ocean. Besides, the waste and foam that ends up on shore would only be washed back in by rain, a big breaker, etc before it was completely consumed by bacteria, etc. I think the ocean...
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    2 gobies 1 shrimp?!

    My understanding is that the blackray's will accept each other and share a shrimp. Yashe Hase's may share with another Yashe, but that they really don't like to mix together on the same shrimp.
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    New Zoa Frag Tank

    I have seen this tank in person, and it was put together with a very meticulous eye for detail (it still had the "surveying marks" on it for making sure the racks were level). Almost as if an engineer did it. :)
  9. 3

    Is this an Elegeance Coral?

    I would love to keep one of these corals, they are one of the most stunning LPS out there, IMO. Too bad the survival rates are through the floor. I was kind of shocked as the local Petco of all places had two elegance corals in this week. I can only imagine how long those will survive . . .
  10. 3

    Odyssea 48' HQI 250watt

    48'? WOW, what kind of tank is THIS going on! All kidding aside though, I've read even worse things than noonesname124 has stated, that even the fixture isn't worth anything. At any rate I'd look elsewhere.
  11. 3

    Rainfordi and Hector's gobies in a 75?

    true, but there are one of each available at the LFS' in town. So if it isn't a dumb idea I could easily go forward with it. At the very least I'm definitely getting another rainfordi. They are just awesome fish.
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    Rainfordi and Hector's gobies in a 75?

    One of the fish I lost in my tank crash was the rainfordi goby. I would like to get another one as he was my favorite fish in the tank. However, I would also like to get a Hector's goby. My question is will they be compatible? I know both are generally peaceful (never once saw any aggressive...
  13. 3

    Any free frags in Spokane area?

    Many of you have probably read of my recent debacle (link). I have since moved and setup a bigger tank, which I have stocked with the survivors, but would like to try and rebuild my sps collection. If anyone has any free frags they would be willing to donate, I'd be extremely grateful, and if...
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    Thanks! :) as for a honeymoon, next month we are going to Maui and the big island for 10 days. Its her first trip there. Snorkeling will be awesome!
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    Sorry I didn't give an update sooner, I got married on Friday. :) (yet another reason why this stunk so bad, I was having a great week and this put a decided damper on it). As for anyone who is willing to offer a free frag, I would be extremely grateful, and once the tank is back up and...
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    I had a grounding probe on the tank, so I don't think that the shock got them or else they'd all be dead. Also, it really doesn't do a good job of explaining why the LPS made it through just the fine. I think it was that SPS are just that much more sensitive to temperature and that's why they...
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    Yesterday was one of the worst days I have had in a long time. If you've been reading the member showcase you'll see that I had just been putting the finishing touches on my 30 gallon nanoreef. It was primarily a shallow water SPS with a few zoos and LPS thrown in for the fun of it. Well...
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    300ZXNA's 30 gal nanoreef

    Edit: I tried to add this to my previous post but it didn't work (I'm posting from a blackberry that sometimes renders forums weirdly), so apologies if this is a double post. As for the coral list (some of these have been added since I took the pics): Zoos: Pink zoos Green target or eagle eye...
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    300ZXNA's 30 gal nanoreef

    Hey brandy, that is actually some pink digitata, it started out by spreading a bit, but it is now starting to put out some branches. Sure would be cool if it were an encrusting monti though . . .
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    Red Pygmy Goby MIA

    lol, tonight at feeding time, guess who finally showed up. Hadn't seen him in 10 days, but he's doing fine. Crazy that even with a tank as small as a 30 gallon he can stay totally hidden. The only downside is that my six-line jumped out last night. *sigh*