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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. WA coral

    bugs on sps

    Like said above there are many ways but I can tell you from expierence that a dip wont cut it and removing corals in qt wont work either unless you are going to do that for 2-3 months . I have had great sucess with interceptor with minimal to no die off of hermits, crabs, and shripms, best bet...
  2. WA coral

    Attmepted Break In - Looking For Info

    Sorry to hear about the attempt and disreguard the avatar its not me.. lol I kind of take it in stride I had all of our christmas presents jacked this year 1000 worth out of my wifes car while her and my mom were shoping. Ya they should have known better but I am just thankful there was no...
  3. WA coral

    Attmepted Break In - Looking For Info

    ban hammer wow I hear thats been going around power is a crazy thing
  4. WA coral

    Ecotech Marine MP 40 questions

    I love my vortech it pushes an impressive amount of water (more than any I have used which is most)and gives a clean look to the tank the only draw back I have found is the noise, if you run it at the top setting in constant mode it is kinda managable but if you run it in pulse mode it can get...
  5. WA coral

    clownfish + breeding = hair algae??

    most of the time my clowns spawned when the tank was dirty they seem to like excess food/nutrients maybe a security thing that there will be enough food to maintain them as spawning takes lots of energy and food for fry, so it may no be because of spawning but why they are spawning (excess...
  6. WA coral

    lost power.. tank down

    I am the exact oppisite I have almost no corals to loose but I had a generator to run the tank.. Its sucks spend a ton of money on live stock and have no backup power I know its tough to see spending 300.00 on a backup but looking into taking some of the coral fund and save for power back up...
  7. WA coral

    Bullet Proof

    I just have a few questions #1 Is my 1 inch thick tank bullert proof? #2 is that my tank in the pic with the lead?? #3 if that is my tank in the pics I guess you can disreguard questions 1&2
  8. WA coral

    Nice Nano!

    Thats a big dog right there (not overall size) but material thickness.. I cant wait to get it home looks sweet.. I love going overkill on things just to see how far you can go. this is a masterpiece for sure great work..
  9. WA coral

    Calcium reactor feed pump

    I have used the feed and siphon method and if you can get the siphon to work ( some reactors will or wont) that worked best for me no problems for years and less crap to plugin and mess with. I would check to see if it will feed itself with a siphon then you just fit the feed line with a weight...
  10. WA coral

    Glamour Shots

    I think you should call him daddy
  11. WA coral

    Glamour Shots

    I think that should be your avatar
  12. WA coral

    Glamour Shots

    mullets everywhere I love it ... Is that a bannana and nuts your eating I think mikes pic has some has been trumped
  13. WA coral

    Glamour Shots

    Upon closer inspection I saw daves gold chain I thought he may be Gangsta I am not so sure this is a good idea anymore. My prison tats may offset the situation, give me some street cred you know, some of the others pictured with mullets need not be worried your street cred will hold up you know OG
  14. WA coral

    Glamour Shots

    is that able lincoln??in a pink jacket??
  15. WA coral

    Glamour Shots

    I think by tommorw everyone will be playing along got to keep it fun. at least you will be the most popular at the swap welcome to the club make a grand entrance.. everyone will know who you are .. I just wish I would have thought of it when I started.
  16. WA coral

    Glamour Shots

    You said you dont like to be in front of the camera but you still snuck in another new pic of you and the wifey dont be bashful.. after mikes pic I think hes trying to change the game I am not sure anyone can compete..
  17. WA coral

    Glamour Shots

    holy crap that is creative hair in the enchanted park pass mike has the fuzz mullet and you have the mullet with bangs I think I am gonna grow one now they are so versitile
  18. WA coral

    Glamour Shots

    Here are some of mine more to come get your pics up we want to see everyone
  19. WA coral

    Glamour Shots

    A couple of us were inspired by a fellow reefer Mr. Xtreme Dave so we decided to start glamor shot thread
  20. WA coral

    Can this tank be saved?

    just so you know I would trust that tank reinforced way more than a tank not reinforced the added 1/2x1/2 makes it almost bullet proof