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  1. M

    Green Chromis and Blue Devil Damsel in love?

    Can a Green Chromis and a Blue Devil Damsel breed? My friend's have been really friendly for a while and have been sharing the same cave. This evening, they were chasing each other around, but it didn't seem like a territorial dispute.
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    Member of the Month - August 2007

    Congrats James - thanks for being one of the many that helps folks like me that are reef keepingly challenged!
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    Would you EVER buy a Fish from PetCo?

    I voted yes, but then when I read about the cyanide I would have said no. I know it's hard not to rescue the fish, but if they are buying nuked fish and we are buying from them, it only encourages the practice. If they die at the LFS, they take the loss and will eventually (hopefully) buy fish...
  4. M

    Cross posting

    Lee, Do you mind if we cross post some of your posts to our local reef club sites? I have done a few crediting you and linking back to this site, but in retrospect I realized I should have checked with you first. If you would rather I didn't, please just let me know. Thanks kindly,
  5. M

    Spawning and snails

    check with Jeff, he ordered some Blue Life carbon - medical grade
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    Spawning and snails

    Christina, do you have an HOB filter you can run temporarily? If not, I can let you borrow one - couldn't hurt to add some extra filtering for a few days.
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    Any negative effects if changing carbon 2x/month?

    Change it out 50% at a time instead of all at once.
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    Urchin spawning stress related?

    Good thing - it's bad luck to kill a spider:D
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    very shallow crushed shell

    "Less Technology, More Biology" - John Tullock FFrankie's signature
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    very shallow crushed shell

    I am a proponent of using LR and sand. Someone on this forum has a saying in their signature, "More nature, less technology" or something to that effect - hits the nail on the head.
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    Adding more sand

    refugium would help - I run an HOB refugium on my 55gal softies. Mangroves are your friend!
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    mushrooms dying-help

    A picture is also helpful.
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    Swim Bladder Malfunction..

    Last rites
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    Custom Rimless Nano

    speak with Sean at SP Aquatics (757) 689-4701, he builds them, services them and is also a hobbyist.
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    very shallow crushed shell

    Also, you want to use a fine sand if you are going to have anything that buries itself. The crushed coral is too coarse and can cause abrasions leading to nasty bacterial infections.
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    Swim Bladder Malfunction..

    Gel Tek makes medicated food that I used to hand feed a wrasse I rescued from a LFS. Most bacterial infections in saltwater are gram negative so don't get a ****cillin type.
  17. M

    What do you feed your zoos...

    I target feed just about everything Coral Frenzy, Cyclopseeze, and/or PhycoPure - Plus what I feed my fish (frozen Emerald Green, Marine Cuisine, krill, Prime - or flake or pellets). I mix it up to give the fish and corals a wide variety. Additionally, I use Vita Chem to soak the food prior to...
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    mantis shrimp question

    I have an external fuge (20L) on my 120 that houses my peacock mantis. I very rarely hear him clicking. I use tongs to feed him pieces of krill. He isn't aggressive towards me, but I don't stick my hands in his tank either. He knows the tongs are food. They are way too fast for me to risk...
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    It is fine. Please be sure to read up on the lighting and feeding requirements. (Usually best done prior to the purchase, but I think we are all guilty of the impulse purchases).