210 shark/reef tank

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Well the title has been changed. Thanks again Scooterman!

Okay well a little bit of an update and a question for anyone wh may be able to answer it!

I finally got my doser up and running right now and its working great! I have it laying down on top of my bucket because i really havent decided on a spot to screw it in on my stand.

Heres the question.

Has anyone ever tried to velcro a doser to the side of their sump? I was thinking about doing that or using suction cups.
Naw...Never tried that...Don't even know what it looks like:p If kinda heavy, could you use the sure grip magnets somehow instead? May be alot stronger than velcro or suction cups:)

Cool thread title btw:p
Oh also its just your average doser with a wheel that spins in the middle and every revolution produces one drip. I bought it used off a member here and forgot the name of the company that makes the doser.
Well Bad News.

Today on my lunchbreak as i was inspecting the tank i saw that Scooter my blue spotted stingray died. I don't know what caused it he wasn't looking skinny and was eating ghost shrimps the night before. He will be missed a lot. I do plan to get another ray. Maybe not a blue spot but for sure a ray of some sort.
Yeah I saw that about your stingray on your other thread...Sorry again man... :doubt:

About those magnets, here's a link to show you how big they are. I put a measureing tape up next to it and posted it here on the forum one day. That is just one side of the magnet and the attachments for the differnt powerheads like Tunze, maxi jet and seio


And here's where I bought it of course:)


Ahh dood that sucks big time :( .... i'm sorry to hear about your stingray, may be the shark hurted or the shrimp wasn't good .... i don't knwo but that sucks big time.

Krish, i think by now we know where you get all your stuff :D :p.
Yeah for sure.

First thing i am going to do is see if i can find an old magnet that i use to use on my tank. I can find that then i'll be all set.
Well let me dust this sucker off and bring everyone up to date.

Unfortunately i am going through a very bad time in my tank. I have some sort of disease in my tank that is killing my fish. I have lost 2 porkfish, my naso, my green mandarin, and my Copperband Butterfly. I don't want to give up just yet but i am getting a bit flustered. I think what i need to do is take all of my fish out and QT them for about a month or more and treat them with meds and let the tank run by itself with just the reef. Hopefully wahtever is in there will die. I think after this is all over i am going to rethink my fish selection and stick to a more pacific/indo region type fish instead of the Carribean type fish.

I haen't gotten anything new yet but when and if i do i will for sure show you guys.

Its been awhile so...

Okay so whats new with the tank. Not much if any. I finally got over the disease that i was dealing with in my tank. My cyano is under control...so far, and my fish have been disease free for over a month and look great.

So i am going to start restocking my tank very slowly. I was going for an aggressive tank when i started this but have since changed my mind and am leaning towards a more peaceful tank with only a few aggressive tank mates.

In the bottom and possibly in a second post i will include the pictures of everything i would like to keep in the tank when its all said and done.

Heres waht i have:

Blue tang
Niger Trigger
Eingineer goby
Two Percula clowns

And heres what i would like to add

Hawian pinktail Trigger
Naso Tang
Powderblue Tang
Flame Angel
Brown banded Bamboo shark or another ray of some sort.

I would like to add other fish butt am not sure on what to put in?

Sohal Tang
Green Mandarin
Nice fish Nick!!!! I love the Naso Blonde!! and ofcourse the cat shark, how is the shark doing for you? how are you feeding it? do you feed it with a prong or just let him find it himself??
I know in my tank I have to use a prong because if I dont my lionfish steals all the food from all the other fish so they all starve and he has a fat belly..
so I have to target feed all my fish..

Looks Great Nick!!

By the way I would be carefull about adding a sohal into that tank with those other tangs. he would likely cause you lots of problems...

Actually i haven't got any of those fish yet. Those are the ones i want to get. But thanks for the comments anyways. But seriously when i get teh shark i am going to try and feed him by hand at night. Since they are most active during the night and my triggers will more than likely steal the food during the day not to mention the porkfish. I am still unsure as to wether or not i am going to get a shark or a ray though. Both are cool but the rays are harder to keep but are more active during the day.


Does your shark come out much during the day?
By the way I would be carefull about adding a sohal into that tank with those other tangs. he would likely cause you lots of problems...


Yeah i am questioning him Its just that lately i have seen a lot of smaller tanks with lots of fish in them and a sohal tang so i am hoing that if i do add him it will be last so that there are fewer problems.

But thanks for the heads up
Well i should be posting some nice new pics of the new fish i have coming in including a hawian pinktail trigger that from what i hear is quite a showpiece and a cat shark. Not to mention some tangs. But first they go into QT. I will take pics and post when i get time. More than likely tonight or tommorow since i'm on winter break for school. Ican't wait to get my stuff. Its like christmas came early for me.


It seems that everytime i get excited and write in this thread some kind of disaster happens shortly after. So hopefully since i am QTing my probs will be minimum this time.

*fingers crossed*
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