210 shark/reef tank

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Pinktails deffinently have some attitudes:), i am sure that you will have fun with him. They act so tuff when you are around, but as soon as somebody new comes in he wont come out of his whole.:lol:

Okay i am posting pics tonight but they are not very exciting since everything is in QT but you gotta see the size of this Pinktail!! I have it in QT with a PB tang and it is 4 times the size of the PB tang!! Its at least a foot long! Its huge!!! Its similar to the one in Balogh03 avatar except that mine is a darker Green and the vertical fins right before the tail are White instead of Pink. He keeps tryng to hide in a corner and stay perfectly stilland all you see to know that he is alive is this giant Red eye that keeps watching whats going on. He is so freakin cool! He is for sure my showpiece.

I got my shark and he is doing great! I have in my fuge right now since i didn't have anything else big enough to keep him in QT and since the trigger and the tang were in copper i didn't want keep them in the same tank with the shark. Plus 20 gallons is a little small for all those fish. I figured that by leaving him in my fuge i can make sure he is going to eat before i put him in the tank. Because when they are young they tend to stay in hiding and only come out at night and i want to make sure he is going to eat before i put him in the tank and let him swim into a cave and die because he was refusing food. I don't think that will be the case though since i put a piece of garlic soaked scallop in the tank and at first he didn't even seem to care that it was there but a half hour later i saw a piece of it in his mouth and little scraps of it were all around him. So i am guessing that he's eating which is great!!

My Powder blue looks Great!! Not a spot of ich or signs of stress at all! His fins are in perfect shape and he is eating. I wanted to put him in the tank right away last night but decided that a few more days in QT won't kill it. But yeah he looks amazing!!

Matt (mm949) if your following this tahnks again fo rthe awesome fish!!! I will post pics tonight of the tang and trigger for sure but if the shark is hiding i am not going to disturb him. Check back around 4:00 CST.


Sorry guys but i could not get onto RF to save my freakin soul last night. Was it like extremely slow or was it just my computer? I couldn't even get to my thread it was taking so long to open the page. After about two hours of waiting and trying i just gave up. I was going to try and send the pictures to me at work but i guess that didn't work because i see no pictures in my inbox. I guess my work blocked the email from coming in. Today i will try again to see what happens. If it doesn't work again than i am going to the freakin library to use their computers. Man, was i pissed off last night i wanted to go postal on my fiance's computer!!
Sorry theres no pics guys we had a death in the family and i have been a little pre occupied. I start winter shut down this friday so i will try and post during my winter break.
As if this week couldn't get any worse i got a bad phone call from my fiances P.O'd mom. She said that my RODI sprung a leak and leaked water all over her bathroom and that everything under the sink is soaked, and that my shark is dead on its back and being pecked at by other fish. What a Fn' week i'm having. Believe it or not i saw this coming.

Check out the second paragraph in post #199. i guess i jinxed myself.
Well after i cleaned everything up yesterday and took out the dead shark i needed a drink. So i had one. I relaxed and replanned everything. I could not figure out though how my RODI sprung a leak. I have used it so many times and nothing has gone wrong and all of a sudden all hell broke loose. So now i am going to just have to fill up my reserve on the weekends when i am there.

Anyways, I couldn't call my LFS and tell him about the shark because he was closed yesterday but i am going to call him today and see if he can order me another shark. I will be so glad when this week is over.
Okay that took 15 minutes to upload so i am guessing my fiances computer is the problem again. I will keep trying to post my pics but it may take awhile. I'll just post the good ones and the rest on Tuesday when i go back to work.
yeah this is takeing to long. I have 17 more to go and its not letting me load more than 3 pics at a time ??? So i will post the rest on Tuesday. Nothing left is really exciting but i took so your gonna look at em. Even if i have to fly to WA and rent an auditorium and hunt each one of you WA residents and lock you in there for the three minutes it will take to go through the slide show...you will watch. :lol:

Happy New Year!!!!!

Looks good man! Love the pinktail, that is about the same size as mine:). Is that chain and anchor metal? I love that and if it is "safe" i wouldnt mind trying it in my tank. If you dont mind me asking, where did you order your stuff from?
