acro power/feeding

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full dose again 1/24. I actually think I might actually be seeing some better coloration. Not sure about the growth. If it 'feels' that way again next week, I'll pick one of two corals and start photo blogging them.
Yeah, I am interested in you taking pics so we can all see if there is a difference. I am curious about the product but I have done my share of buying "snake oil" hope this isn't the same.
Yeah, I am interested in you taking pics so we can all see if there is a difference. I am curious about the product but I have done my share of buying "snake oil" hope this isn't the same.
Well, if there is someone actually interested. I'll take some pics this week. I'll pick one or two corals, and blog it.
The good thing at this point to me is that it has been basically a month, and I'm not seeing any (more) nuisance algae or problems.
Oh and Tike I have a decent amount of SPS, mostly birdsnest with a couple of tabling monti's and a blue cali tort, a few leathers, and for lps a torch, blasto and hammer.
If you'd like to pick what I take the pictures of so it 'matches' something you have in your tank, I'll try to accommodate... might even be kind of fun if you took pics too, and we could compare them week to week...
I picked up a bottle at BRA on Friday. I hope it's all it's cracked up to be.
Can you post progress here or somewhere also?
Always good to have more than one perspective on things.
I don't know if its 'all that', but adding nutrients to the tank is kind of 'scary' for me, so I'm kind of happy to see that it hasn't caused any problems. I don't know that a month is long enough to tell anything, but its at least not 'tanking the tank'
Supposedly barrier is supposed to get more bottles in sometime this week. I hope to pickup a bottle then if not I was looking at either the Aquavitro Fuel or Brightwell coral amino.
I've always used brightwell and had amazing results. Zoa's seem to really respond well.
I use Brightwell's Amino Omega and had great results. My zoa's wouldn't open and I started using that Amino Omega, which was suggested by BRA and my zoa's opened right up. I love that stuff and it is cheaper than Coral Amino.
No pictures yet. I have some frags on plugs that I will try to blog, since I think it will be able to gauge progress on them. I will try to get some later today. no guarantee's because there was a lot to get done already today, still a lot to do, and luckily, tomorrows completely out. :)

full dose 1/31, regularly scheduled water change today.

No 'bad' to report, not sure there's much good either.. If there have been changes, its nothing at all dramatic so far. The thing is, there weren't issues to start out with, and the only thing I was really 'chasing' was some coloration. Could be I'm getting that, or it could be that things have settled in a bit more

Figure I'll run through the current bottle dosing as noted, then take stock. I don't expect anything to really change in a month or so's time, and its likely I have a 2 months left on the bottle. (can't remember, I've slept since the last time I picked it up)
full dose 2/7
was planning on taking pics today, but I just managed to lose 90% of a work project that was 'announced' for release on Monday. If I get through enough of today (with enough coffee it might be somewhat feasible I guess) I will try to take pics tomorrow.
This weeks 'looks better' the usual coral is the leather I have a 'fragging a leather' thread about on here somewhere. Been chopping pieces off it left and right, but it actually looks like its grown a bunch since the last time I payed attention too it. Could be the fragging that triggered the growth though.
Full dose 2/14, tank issues 2/15, likely caused by not doing a coral dip correctly. Nothing really worth reporting other than I'm in the process of almost doubling my water volume, with a new sump/fuge, so I'm going to have to up the dosing to compensate.
I picked up a bottle after the Bob Moore frag swap on Saturday, I read the reef builders review and figured I'd give it a try. I've been dosing 3ml per day since Saturday, I have around 160 gallons total water volume. I was skeptical, and I did not expect any changes for weeks or months. Honestly, I'm a bit shocked...

I took these pictures with only actinic's on, so that's why everything looks blue.

So, this is my brown acro with green polyps. I've had it for four years now, and it's growth has always been in the form of sticks branching out, occasionally a split. This is what it a typical branch looks like and how it has always grown.


The new growth on this branch though, looks completely different than I've ever seen, all over it the new growth is bushy, it's like all of the polyps in this area suddenly got the urge to grow all at once:


Another change I've seen is the edge of my brick red chalice is now growing much darker in color. I'm wondering if only the new growth is going to take this color, or if the center part will also darken. It'll look really cool if the center is the bright red, with a deep reddish purple perimeter.


I'm still skeptical, but these two are corals I've had for a quite a while, I know how they grow and behave, and they've changed overnight it seems. Other than the acro power, nothing else with the tank has changed, same feeding schedule, water change schedule, etc.
I picked up a bottle after the Bob Moore frag swap on Saturday, I read the reef builders review and figured I'd give it a try. I've been dosing 3ml per day since Saturday, I have around 160 gallons total water volume.
I'm still skeptical, but these two are corals I've had for a quite a while, I know how they grow and behave, and they've changed overnight it seems. Other than the acro power, nothing else with the tank has changed, same feeding schedule, water change schedule, etc.

Just picked up a bottle of AcroPower from BRA… Fingers crossed. Results TBD :popcorn:

I feel like I should keep saying this as long as I'm updating this thread, since the reality is, I don't know if its really doing anything in my tank.. I think color is a bit better, and I might be seeing a little more growth, but I wasn't struggling with either before trying it. Just a bit of caution. My tank has done really well with this stuff, but my rock has been established for about 4 years, and everything moved to this tank about 2 years ago, which isn't anywhere near a long time in the grand scheme of things, but is compared to a new setup or something in its first year IMO. I don't know the age/history of your tanks, but keep in mind, your just pouring in nutrients that you cannot be sure are going to be taken up by anything.

I don't want to discourage anyone from trying it, but I do agree with everyone who's posted that its basically 'not necessary', as that really has been my experience so far. Things might look a little bit happier than they did before... But, things have also acclimated over time, and learned the best way to live in my tank... Nothing that has occurred would make me point specifically at this stuff and say 'it did that'

At this point, if the stuff were excessively expensive, I'd likely stop dosing it. Since it is not, and since it has not caused any algae growth, I can very unscientifically state that it seems to be 'good' for the things in my tank, and I plan on continuing. Its possible its is just getting skimmed out easily with other DOC's, but the lack of algae means it is being taken up/out by something... and there is some science behind the corals taking it up.

Full dose last night 2/21, adjusted for the extra water volume added by the new sump. This weeks coral that looks extra happy is a red/green blasto. It actually had a hard time for a while in my tank as it doesn't seem to like the lights, and I moved it quite a few times before it found its 'happy place'. Had to move it into an overhang before it would stay open. Its been in place for a couple months now since the move, and its been open since then.. but extension lately has been pretty nuts... to where I can see it moving some in the flow.
I I don't know the age/history of your tanks, but keep in mind, your just pouring in nutrients that you cannot be sure are going to be taken up by anything.

No worry, my tank is 5 years old, I did a tank move from a 30 to a 90 4 years ago, so about 50% of my rock is 5, the rest 4. My nitrates range from 0 to .2 (Salifert), phosphates are within error margin of 0 on Hanna. I also do 1% daily water changes on a fixed schedule (fully automated). I dose 2 part, feed, and do regular water changes. I use no other supplements than the AcroPower, and have never used any supplements. It's unlikely this will impact my nutrient levels, but I'm tracking. Test kits aside, I've seen no difference at all to the weekly algae dusting I get on the glass, which is more accurate than the test kits in my experience.

The brown acro I've had for 4 years, it started as a single branch 4" long, it's now a colony that's a bit bigger than a softball.

The red chalice I've had for about a year and a half, it's tripled in size, the coloration has been pretty consistent in that time. I have around 30 corals in the tank, time in possession ranging from 5 years to a week. Those two corals are the only ones with any noticeable changes.
I picked up two bottles of acro power today from Barrier Reef. I'll start with 5 ml a day and bring it up to the full dose of 10 ml after a week. I'll keep everyone posted of any differences I see over the next two weeks.
I have been dosing acropower heavy. No alage of any sort. I had great color when I had previously used aqua-Vitro fuel but had terrible alage blooms.

The Red Sea angel I had to sell last weekend had done a lot of damage to my rainbow wells. It's healing very well. Some time ago I also had a wells that suffered tissue damage and it declined and never recovered.

I think Jake is right. It's borderline magic!
I have been dosing acropower heavy. No alage of any sort. I had great color when I had previously used aqua-Vitro fuel but had terrible alage blooms.

The Red Sea angel I had to sell last weekend had done a lot of damage to my rainbow wells. It's healing very well. Some time ago I also had a wells that suffered tissue damage and it declined and never recovered.

I think Jake is right. It's borderline magic!

I've actually been thinking about upping/spreading out my dose. I haven't seen anything 'bad' at all with this stuff in the time I've been running it, and with the fuge online now, or at least as it settles in, I should be able to be not quite so worried about the nutrients. If I'm seeing anything, its better color, although, growth may be better than it would have been.. a lot of my corals are new enough that I don't have a good feel for 'pre acro power' growth. I plan on finishing out the bottle at the same dosing amount/rate though as much to document a few months worth of use as anything else. When it runs out, and if I haven't seen anything that makes me change my mind, I think I'll up the dose a little, but run it on a doser to spread it out over the week.

Skim - you have pictures? Ironic for me to ask since I never post any, I know... but it'd be interesting to watch the healing process with this stuff in play.