Feb. 16th PSAS Meeting ~ Mitch Carl

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I just tried to Mapquest the address listed in the EVite for Round Table Pizza and it isn't showing up. Is that the correct address listed? Mapquest if giving me two choices of 14722-14799 NE 24th St or 14706-14799 SE 24th St. My GPS doesn't find this listed address either.

Is this the same Round Table Pizza we met at once before? The one with the Gazebo?

It's Redmond; not Bellevue.

Mapquest says 3.6 miles apart. I think it's the same, not sure.

Just what we need another reminder evite....... grrrrrrrrrrr
Thanks Colleen.... Now it's showing up on the GPS. :)

Better a reminder EVite with the correct City and Zip than lots of hungry reefers trying to find everyone else. :)

Hey, another question.

Does anyone know if they've completed the construction at Bellevue Community College:?: I remember the last time we met there and the mess the parking lots were in; not to mention all the mud!

Ok, we had 30 plus people there. You guys want me to start calling names? lol.

How about some feed back on this one? I hope you all enjoyed him as much as I did.
Mitch was more than willing to do the other presentation. I learned a few tricks. I hope that some of you can share what you learned on here.

I will start with one. I hope others follow with one thing they learned or were reminded of.
Dragonets, six line wrasse, build your own protection with predators of pest.

Can someone else share something they learned at this one?
I was planning on going but this site problem kept me at home. Hope it was fun.

Thanks Chuck, It definitely was very informative. He taught us his methods of controlling problem pest in our reef tank.

Chuck he explained nudibraches, Barrel bugs, crabs, fish, red bugs, showed us pictures of things that were undecided what they were...

I just hope everyone enjoyed as much as I did. I got upset that my coffee made me go to rest room. I missed part of the crab talk which started with a leather crab. I watched people using lap tops to take notes of Mitches report. I watched Tracy write about everything down.
It was a nice refresher on problems we face. It was nice to see how people in the professional environments cure problems we face.

I found it interesting to watch a guy in a Public Aquarium shooting fresh water into corals to suspend nudibraches so a school of wrasse could eat them.

Ok, please someone else chime in their oppinion of meeting.:)
If you trade and you ever had problems with parasites, always tell the person your trading with! I think this is really important to just keep bad stuff out of healthy tanks. Also coral Quarantine can help a lot!

I also liked that he told us to just try fish(and other critters) to get rid of some pests). For example he talked about large SPS colonies getting algae infested and how symbiotic crabs that live within the colony can get rid of that...

Over all, great talk!
It was my first meeting, so i was a little overloaded with data.

Now i wish i took something to record it.

Is there a way to get transcripts????

I will attend all meeting that i can from now on..
I also wish I had taken notes. He had some Ml/ppm ratios for medications that anyone would be better off knowing.

I found it interesting to watch a guy in a Public Aquarium shooting fresh water into corals to suspend nudibraches so a school of wrasse could eat them.

I could be wrong but I thought that those colonies had AEFW's that they have been treating weekly since the first out break. The colonies were more that a foot and a half across so removeing them to QT and dip is not an option. A lenght of garden hose, a few handy wrasses, a little NY bird...... It was interesting.

Mitch has a great presentation. I got home regretting that I hadnt asked several questions that popped into my head as I was driving home.....of course.
good meeting. And I went to Jan's afterwards and really enjoyed that as well. Jan has some seriously sweet corals! She needs to attend some support group meetings for reef addicts. :D

I will say one thing that annoyed me a bit about the meeting, and that was the gentlemen in front of me that couldn't keep their mouths shut during the presentation.

Mitch was fun and I enjoyed learning from a guy who throws corals away as a normal course of his job. That kind of freaks me out! :eek:
Here is a message for Mitch. I see you on here right now. I want you to know it was awesome meeting you in person. You were a inspiration to hobby. You presentation was accurate to the point with a few laughs inbetween lines to keep you on target. It reminded me of things that we sometimes learn but over look. Things that people should be reminded of. I watched for the punch line. The Punch line being, that no ones wants contaminates in their tank, this is how we do the best we can to prevent them. Your expertise in doing so is your daily job. You taught us what you do in worse case senario. People pay big money for those tricks. A few of us tried to give you a bad time about not having a tank at home. Your reply was, why when I have a large one I mess with all the time. Behind the scenes, You made a few friends. You mentored a few friends you met from past. We learned of a passion you once had or have and how it scared you. You made some good friends Saturday night. You know the door is open for you to visit anytime. Come down and visit your sister and I will take you out in my boat on the Columbia River. Just give me a heads up in advance so I can plan it with work. I will send you a few pictures if you would like of Saturday night.

Thanks Again Mitch,
Ed Hahn:)
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good meeting. And I went to Jan's afterwards and really enjoyed that as well. Jan has some seriously sweet corals! She needs to attend some support group meetings for reef addicts.

Thankyou, Jonathan! :D But, I thought that's what we did after the lecture...sitting on the bench in front of my tank, drinking a beer and staring at corals. That's a support group, right? :lol: ;)
Well, I suppose so. But usually my support group meetings don't have little snacks running around and barking. :eek: