Well-known member
Happy New Year to you too! Yes I am a big fan of the Wavy Seas! Your equipment list is impressive and sound choices. I look at it this way. It is better to spend a little more money now on premium quality equipment rather to spend more money replacing inferior equipment later. I hear from fellow reefers all the time. This and that equipment is too expensive but then they go and spend that same money on corals that sometimes they end up losing because they fail to get the proper life support for thier system. I just don't get it sometimes. The LS most of us keep and care for will cost more than your entire system hands down so why not spend a little extra $$$ to properly support and maintain a healthy enviroment for your expensive precious LS. Any how you are doing the right thing. Take your time and think everything through. As a system your size. Mistakes can be costly. Patience is your #1 friendin this hobby.
Like minds think alike my friend. :lol: