Gimmito 450 gal L-shaped display

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Do u have issues with nitrates or phosphates...that is a lot of food..

I feed new life pellets and nori in the morning and frozen at night (equivilent to 4-5 cubes). Nitrates are 20 ppm or less and haven't tested phosphates in lately, but need to add GFO. I've upped my water changes to 80 gallons a week to keep up with the fish bio load.
It started nipping on some expensive corals

ahhhh....well, hopefully I will not have to make that decision. I am watching the blueface carefully though...

beautiful salfin mentioned a clown tang....I'm sure you are aware of this, but a clown tang is the 2nd meanest tang (IMO)..the first is the sohal tang..with the clown tang and purple tangs, you need to watch for aggression...and obviously should be the last fish added.

beautiful salfin mentioned a clown tang....I'm sure you are aware of this, but a clown tang is the 2nd meanest tang (IMO)..the first is the sohal tang..with the clown tang and purple tangs, you need to watch for aggression...and obviously should be the last fish added.

I agree with the Sohal and powder blues being agressive. I read my Marine Fishes Handbook by Scott W. Michael and it said the clowns are agressive towards other acanthurus tangs. I have a friend that has one and it's been a model citizen. That being said, I would get a small one or one from a established tank. Fish seem to fall in my lap, a fellow reef club member broke down his tank and offered me a pair of clowns and a flame angel...I was tempted with the flame angel. ;)
interesting...never heard of kati ani before..nice you use ozone and UV? I use ORP is around 400-420 and when I add a new fish I make sure the ozone reactor is on for a couple of days, otherwise it is off...
interesting...never heard of kati ani before..nice you use ozone and UV? I use ORP is around 400-420 and when I add a new fish I make sure the ozone reactor is on for a couple of days, otherwise it is off...

Kati Ani is widely used in Europe...I first heard about it from Anthony Calfo and Steven Pro for use in their coral farms. I don't use ozone or uv, but may use ozone in the future.
sweet..i have the same plumbing setup for my 215 gallon water change system..pump in the middle that controls everything...I set up a remote on the pump so I can turn it off from a distant with a press of a button..