Jiddy's 220g MASTERPIECE!

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I havent seen much fight in them yet, maybe they are French Soliders! *cuts deep*

But Clayton brings up a good point, if the snails cant eat all the algae, they are not doing what i want, if they do, they will devastate thier food source and die?
The point is to have no visible algae, but algae will still grow slowly to feed them. If they eat it all in a few days you obviously have too many snails. Don't worry; eventually your snails will win the war.

Jiddy just remember, the only things that happen fast in a reef are the bad things. Good things take time.....
Like i said before, the rocks they touch are nice are purdy, but the other rock is starting to get thick, might have to get some more Mexi's? I seen one on the glass, i about took him off and sent him on the rocks today, lol
They go back and forth between the glass and the rocks. Sometimes it seems like they get hooked on cleaning the sides, even if they look completely clean.

Jiddy also remember that they wont do too much if it gets long. Try to pull off by hand if it gets long, and let them pick up what is left on the rock...
Kensn said:
Jiddy also remember that they wont do too much if it gets long. Try to pull off by hand if it gets long, and let them pick up what is left on the rock...

For the most part i noticed that its the red slime taking over now, so it doesnt get long, and it other place it is your typical algae, so i will watch those spots, i have 3 golfball size Mexi's, i watch them, and they plow everythin, unforn. that means my Xenia too :badgrin:
Man I relly learned the hard way to glue all my frag down, lost a couple to big snails and my urchin......I'm off to bed ....
Here are the shots of the algae, also i have a shot of the algae i bought from the LFS, i looked at it today, it doesnt look like its doing to well and is turning white and shrivl'n
Jiddy... if you don't remove that caulerpa algae it will overrun your tank!! It will attach runners to your substrate and rock :( If you don't have a sump to keep it confined, try replacing it with chaetomorpha instead... atleast that macro algae can be removed easily.
I do have a sump, just cant afford PC's for it yet! Thanks for the info, as of right now i dont think i have to worry about it, lol, i think its dying
Jiddy - take it out if it is turning white. It will be releasing the nutrients it used to grow, back into the tank.
Jiddy said:
I do have a sump, just cant afford PC's for it yet! Thanks for the info, as of right now i dont think i have to worry about it, lol, i think its dying

I have a clamp on lamp over my sump.. works great!!

Here is the bulb I use. I bought it at Home Depot. Love it! Works great!
Ya even those coralife 50/50 bubls work great, screw in base, flouresent. Take that stuuf out Jid, listen to the people.... Blow that ovet stuff off the rocks, put a filter sock on the drain from the overflow to catch it, then clean the sock the next day.
Jiddy - try and siphon up the cyano during your next water change. If you allow it to grow a little more, then it will serve as a good nutrient exporter. Cyanobacteria is kind of a tough one, because it can fix its own nitrogen...which basically means there doesn't have to be nitrogen present in the water, as it can convert nitrogen from the atmosphere into nitrate or ammonium. Your tank is still young, so it is going through the normal bacterial blooms and die offs. Remember, you tossed in a bunch of fish right off the bat. Bacteria had to build to a high enough population to deal with all the bioload....now that the fish have been there for a short while, and you removed the wrasse, bacterial populations are in a state of flux. Algae is going to be right there to help clean up the dying off overpopulated bacteria. Hope this makes sense....I'm pooped.
Thanks for the info doni, ill have to get one of those, if they are cheap! (by the way, why is your PH so low? :badgrin: )

Ken, you cant blow that off, you have to scrap it, and can i make a homemade filter sock, or do i have to buy that too :( , but i think that idea will work good. The left side of the tank, which the snails seem to like to eat, has been polished nicely and doesnt seem to grow back at a outrageous rate like it did initially.

Nikki, thanks for gettin all inDepth, it makes alot of sense (even thou i didnt dump ALOT of fish in right away :lol: ) So the algae should bloom up to much if i physically remove it because my tank is starting to level off :confused: