Nasher- Welcome to the Circus (this thread) and thanks for the advice on the damsel. I did find a pile of bones, so i know he died

I hope it was because my inlet for my mag pump was uncovered (not anymore) but he would of had to swim up the PVC pipe, its not strong enough to suck him up, so who knows! Maybe are damsels are swimmin together in the big sky REEF
Krish, actually its funny that you mention that but A.Calfo and I are going to get this thread published. We are just trying to work out the details, seems $5million for a book signing is askin to much

But anyways, yea i want to goto the bahamas, i talked to my FIA (fatherINlaw) and he said that they stayed on Nassau and at a resort called the breeze??? I guess it wasnt to expensive, just the airfare. They said go with an all-inclusive deal that comes with alcohol and food paid for, but what do you think? Heck i could just eat at your house anyways!
Linkii-I know i need to do water change, i just wanted a MagPump which i cant afford until next week, seems the more money i make the more i spend on the reef! I thout i had everythin i needed to get setup but now i have a "i want" list with about 20 things to get. After i toilet-brushed the rocks they havent grown back and the snails are takin over more now. There is still alot of slime on the lower rocks because it is rough terrain but the tank looks better so far. I know a water change will really help. Need to get that old tank water outta there and keep it 100% RO water!
Ill have to check my NSW phos levels, i dont have any idea.
See the blennie wasnt fat when i bought him, but he was bone-skinny like some mandarins ive seen at the LFS, and i thout they ate algae so i didnt ask to feed before i buy, i did see my other LFS had one that was very personable and ate flake food, i was going to buy it, but i dont think i deserve it
About the shrimp, i know i should of acc him longer then 30mins, especially after a overnite from FL, but honestly i was up for 26hrs waitin for that package and was totally out of it when it finally got here, its no excuse but its a lesson learned i suppose. If you acc somethin bad/wrong will it be okay for a few hours before it dies?
Hopefully knockin out my WC will really help, im sure it will, my skimmer is pullin out green mud nasty smellin stuff, so its workin good!