Jiddy's 220g MASTERPIECE!

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I started at noon today, (since the Vikings f**#*@ S*#*) had a buddy come over for the game and he ended up helpin me catch the little bugger, at 530pm we were done. The little guy ran all over the tank in and out of the rock, so i got the aqauscapin done and the damsel out. I got my clowns yesterday from the LFS since PetSolution has AWEFUL customer service AWEFUL, i was so fed up i canceled my order with them..... my LFS sold me a medium one an small one. I must admit my aqauscapin skills are almost as bad as PS's Cust.Service, i did remove about 50ish lbs of the little rock that was blockin my bottom flow, so i did make it effective even if its not purdy. My clowns are happy as can be, the fish swim and frollick all over the place. The YT seems lost, but im sure she needs to readjust. Of course ill show you guys some pics when i get theM!
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Even thou my clowns dont like the tank, maybe you guys will. As posted above, i cant aquascape, i blame it on the crappy rock that PS sold me, but at least it allows good flow :)

1) FTS
2) Right
3) Left
4) New Coral
5) NC
ohh dood that's awesome dood !!
i like your new coral, what type of leather is it? and what's the pink thing because i like it, i see you are pro Ken !! LOL
i think that you rocks are kewl and yes you can aquascapem, it's all about IMAGINATION :D
Thanks Gab, i believe the leather to be a umbrella leather. Its a nice yellow. The bright pink thing is a fake anemone i bought for my wife because she wants one but i wont let her get a real one!
lol!! i really like it dood, kewl leather.
About the anemone, i believe you are doing the right thing by not getting her one because they are hard to keep i mean they are kewl but hard just later don't change your mind :D, because right now you don't have corals and so it could just go wherever it wants and not hurt anything, but later when you have tons of corals then it'd be a problem.
mine, right now after all the moving it did, it stung my leathers and kenya trees, but they seem to be healing.
whatelse is in your list for corals dood?
Thanks Gab, your right about the Anem. i tell you what, when it splits ill hook you up! Doni has first dibs, but your on the list!

I dont know what else is on my list, super glue and zoo's i suppose, my shrooms keep floating around so i might have to glue em down!
As posted above, i cant aquascape, i blame it on the crappy rock that PS sold me, but at least it allows good flow

That's what happens when you order rock. You usually get sent the scraps if you don't get to pick it out yourself. My friend had to suffer a little die-off and leave his rocks out of the water long enough for it to dry so he could epoxy pieces together and make bigger rock pieces. It came out really nice and you would have never known. Maybe you could sacrifice a few pieces and do the same or just get a few other pieces and experiment with it. I'm sure you'll like it and besides if you don't, you could just break the pieces back a part.
LOL !!! ok dood because i really love how the pink sticks out :D.
now dood, schrooms are slimmy so you can't glue them as far as i know but what you can do is use the toothpick method or you can rubberband a bridal weil (just don't cut princess')over them and let them sit for a couple of weeks.
Other than that, dood i have no clue what glue is good :D
ohh yeah and you can do this method with almost any coral hehe or at least i have :p :D
The stuff my friend used he got from his store (LFS). It's a non-toxic epoxy stick. You pinch off what you need, mix it together like putty and apply it. I'm sure there are other things out their less messy though.
Jiddy said:
whats a bridal weil?

Jiddy - she means bridal veil. Ask your wife if she has any tulle, that is the material used to make bridal veils. Tie it losely around the mushroom until it attaches.

When using epoxy, which is the stuff that comes in a stick Krish is talking about, be ready for a reaction from your skimmer. If you know its coming, then you won't be shocked to see your skimmer going nuts for a day or so.
sorry dood, i meant bridal veil.
Thanks Nikki for clearing that out i was taking a nap :D i just wish my son would have taken his :( .
snobanker said:
Cool, Jiddy...maybe seeing your new "monster reef" (sounds like a good reality show for Discovery Channel to me) will help me get off my dead.... well you know, and get my 180 up and going...I'm just so happy woth my 55 though.... :D

Hey, that would be a good idea--although animal planet might be a better choice. I'm willing to work it if somebody is willing to get them to buy into the idea. :D

Okay here are some updated shots of the tank, i have some blue zoo's that i ordered when i got the chromis, 8 out of the 10 are in there, lol and the zoo's are kind of a mint than a blue, of course they dont look like the pic, but i did get two rocks of them, so im happy.

Anyways, rember that half my lights (actinics) are out because the ballast is in the shop, so im only runnin daylights. Other than that everything is going good except my little fish are "disappearin" in the night still. I was thinkin of a big fish i could get? It would pretty much just be with my YT, i wanted to add lil fish first to keep a balance of aggression down, but i dont think i can do that since they come up missin anyone have a big fish rec.??? so i can do some research on it?


Left Tank
Middle Tank
Right Tank
Snail that got on to my thermometer and took a ride around the tank since it was the right balance (had to be there)
Jiddy - the tank is looking good....other than the mystery of the fish disappearance. For large fish recommendations, it depends on what else you are wanting to keep? I have a new Magnificant Rabbitfish coming tomorrow (to replace my SPS eating one I had to sell). Rabbitfish are neat fish, but they have venomous spines, so be careful when handling. The virgate rabbitfish is cool looking, too. I would hold off on any aggressive tangs until you get some more fish in there. That way it is the last fish introduced, and won't cause issues with territory aggression.
Thank Nikki, i to was thinkin of a rabbit but i was just worried since the YT is the only one in there and rabbits are yellowish, my tang is super nice/shy, but she could be like any women and when you live together, errr...... like on TV. No seriously, do you think that only 2 yellow fish would post a problem?