Krish's "Rubik's cube"

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K...Before I embaress myself on the general forum, what do you guys think of these things I got today around a reef? I have no idea what it is, but it was purple and a coral and figured it was time for me to stop being teased for not having corals:p My wife laughed at the pics(LOL) Keep um?? Toss um??

That's what I was thinking. They have what looks like little polyps or something that comes out of it, but not so far in my tank yet. I think it looks "corny" and almost as bad as that pic I drew all the fake coraline on:lol:
Give it time, how long did you acclimate?

ROLF! Acclimate?? :lol: Man...I found those things laying there on the bottom of the ocean like someone stepped on them on the reef and broke them off so I figured they already experienced some trauma so I just checked the specific gravity (I know going to get a refractometer) which was exact (1.026) and did the finger test which felt close:p so I just popped them in:D
charlie said:
Looks kinda like gorgonians to me.

Yep, I agree:)

Alot of people like to use those in the back ground in tanks I've seen.

Maybe next time you get some corals to put in, run an air line tube from your tank down to the bucket they are in. If you have a small airline valve, set it so it drips water into the bucket very slowly so that you double the amount of water they are in in about 20 minutes to a half hour. Drain most of the water out and do it again.
I forgot to say that if you don't have an airline valve, tie a knot in the airline and pull it tight untill the water drips out. I guess a drip every couple seconds.
Thanks Martin:) I would have acclimated them properly, but honestly, I'm not sure what condition they are in because all the other ones out there that were attached to the reef, had orangish looking polyps sticking out of it to the point where you couldn't really see the purple. I'm assuming they are the same coral, but these ones I got, were as you see them. Just plain pruple laying on the bottom...
hey that's awesome dood !!
i think 1 would have been plenty though :p... yeah dood they are gorgonias, i think they look kewl but next time don't forget to acclimate :p .
lol !! true.... Krish is that ok if i call you gorgonia boy :lol: ...... just kidding :D .
yeah they're actually hard to keep dood because they do like flow .... but you are already ahead of the game on that :D.
Ohh i think it's gonna be so kewl when you start seeing babies .
Krish, do a search on them, surely you can find out what type they are. I think some of them might need to be fed tho, check that out.

i agree with Charlie dood, make sure you do a little research :).
Definitely gorgonians. They're phytoplankton feeders. They have a dismal survival rate in captivity, but in your tank they're also not having to compete with any other corals, so who knows.... Personally, I think it looks really awesome. Seriously! But I've always been a huge fan of gorgonians. They help a tank look so much more natural, in my opinion. I'll have one or two in "the next tank."
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